Forreal. Obsidian has always been the best at implementing actual role playing into video games. You actually can make decisions that affect the playthrough in a meaningful way. Not just press a button to be either a 100% a$$hole or doormat
Kotor 2 in particular had a strong effect on me cause the world felt believable and lived in. Hearing about my character's history throughout the course of the game and being able to decide their backstory was implemented in a really engaging way.
The exile is my favorite star wars character because of all the different ways you can role-playing them. Much more thought provoking than the original. Plus, the cast is way more interesting. From your allies to your Villains. Felt like a good mix of old tropes and fresh ideas. Everyone on the ebony hawk is pretty much sketchy for one reason or the other. The conversations with everyone aboard the ship were my favorite parts of the game. Dialouge was better written than most tv shows imo. Which is saying something cause they only had the writing, voice acting, and a handful of animations to work with. But it all works cause the writing is so good and the VA's all killed their roles.
It just makes everything else feel watered down by comparison. I can never get into Bethesda or bioware rpgs as much. I play through em but they don't stick with me like obsidian do.
It just makes me mad they always have these great stories but the games themselves are bugged out and a pain in the ass to play
It's the same story everytime. They get called in to do a sequel to another publisher's game. It's miles better story wise but get rushed out by the publisher. It's filled with glitches that range from minor to game breaking and the ending isn't even finished
We got seriously robbed of kotor 2 and new vegas' true greatness
Beating the former on the Xbox was simultaneously a disappointment and accomplishment
Yes, you beat the game but the game literally just ends
Can't even say it's a cliffhanger. You kill the boss, see a brief cutscene of the ship fly off, and role credits
I need the closure
I suffered through so much bullshyt and jank to beat that game
It was the goat and what gaming experience
Like a toxic female with good puss
Also, ive never played the outer worlds but I hear it's buggy too, so I guess they still can't get right even with their own IP's