So let me get this saw it twice but you doubt people went to see it multiple times because they enjoyed it?
Okay anyway, I think it's presumptuous to speak on why other people saw it multiple times. Who are we to say what some other person is thinking or their reasoning unless we actually speak to every single person on the planet who's seeing the movie and idk about you but that doesn't sound like something I'd want to do. But it's a better flick than Avatar so from that standpoint alone, it's hard for me to argue with it getting the top spot. Also, when it comes to what people spend their money on, I don't think there's such a thing as "deserves." People are going to spend their money on what they spend their money on. There's a contingent of cats who feel like Jurassic World didn't deserve what it did this summer but if the shyt made people happy and feel like they got their moneys worth:whoknows:
I didn't think Avatar was that good at all but I'm not going to argue with the success it had. It is what it is...or it was what it was now that Star Wars will hold the crown