Idk about BET but she is right about Black History Month...
Black foreigners come here in this country and out perform African Americans because we just know how to go out and go get it...
African Americans are way to coddled from a young age.. and things like Black History Month only serve to teach them to use crutches and teaches them for a month everything bad about being black in America. ...
Foreigners don't came here with this stigma of black means "handicap" and just go after the dream...
At least other races have their own culture...Spanish food, Spanish music etc... African Americans got hip hop and fried chicken...
They need to cut it out and stop giving black people a month(crutch) to lean on...
They even troll y'all by giving you the shortest month of the year
AA need to stop accepting white man hand outs (learn to just say no sometimes) If you want to celebrate black history month , don't leave it up to the white man to do it for you.. do it yourselves and do it year round....Makes more sense doesn't it ?