Street fighter is the definition of iterative. It went from this to this
To this
SF is also a competitive series. Usually when they make major changes to these sort of games there's backlash (ex. SFV).
Street fighter is the definition of iterative. It went from this to this
To this
Top 3 gaming company to me: Nintendo, Squaresoft, Capcom.
I guess the uniqueness is why I really loved FFII (FFIV most people know it as) because the base version made it an entire story with characters dropping in and out of your story. You simply can't pick and choose who to be in your party. I thought that was great fo the story.
The dozens of FF7 spinoffs sort of invalidates this take, but i don't mind because i love that property.
but thats just a more recent pivot, growing up each new FF game was its own entity.
They get too much credit. The series has been selling based off that for over a decade. The last universally liked new game in the series was Final Fantasy X. I won't comment on VII Remake because that's not a new game but XII, XIII, and XV were all looked at very mixed and the last two were kinda shat on. Not into MMOs so no comment on XI or XIV.
Need some black people in 16, every trailer shows all white unfortunately. That game looks fire nonetheless.
I was a big fan of the series in the 90s and early 00s but stopped playing after FFX back in like... 2002 or something.
Once i could start playing as black protagonists in epic story-driven campaigns like GTA: San Andreas and (more commonly) create custom black protagonists in big rpg-esque fantasy/sci-fi epics like Fallout, Obsidian, Mass Effect, Skyrim, Dragon Age, Dark Souls, etc... i found myself caring as much for FF as FF did with having black folks in their stories.
The only FF i've played since LeBron was drafted to the league is FF7:Remake.