>How do you
really feel about rape?
What do you think we think about rape?
Of course rape itself is bad. What kind of stupid question is that? You want to know what's also bad? The avalanche of false accusations of sexual assault on men that women later regretted sleeping with or just wanted to fukk with in order to get their way for one reason or another.
It's remarkably easy to ruin a man's life via false accusation, and it happens quite often to men that are minorities because they're easy targets for law enforcement. A false accusation can do the following:
- Ruin a man's dating chances with anyone who hears the rumor.
- Getting his ass whooped and/or literally killed by vengeful friends and family.
- Huge amounts of prison time for crimes not committed.
- Ruined careers.
- Ruined reputation.
- Families torn apart by people not wanting to associate with a rapist.
This is a fate that can quite often be worse than rape, mostly because the lingering stigma and the fact that rape is very likely in prison. Who cares, though, right?
Men are disposable to feminists unless they can benefit women somehow.
It's also because the word "rape" is very, very strong and invokes a serious amount of emotion in people. Also, the fact that the word "rape" invokes such emotion is the same reason that modern feminists have decided to use their indignation at rape
(as if it doesn't affect men) as a crutch to continue to lend themselves credibility as feminism limps into the future.
Another thing, we're also a little tired of the upper-middle class white girl feminist tagline to this situation known as, "DON'T RAPE!" Thanks for the advice, Kaitlin. We know to not rape, thanks. A vast, vast majority of the male population knows to not rape. We also know that many men would happily kick someone's ass if they were found to be a rapist. This assumes that men are by default rapists and that we should all be feared. It's insulting. And no, people suggesting that you should protect yourself doesn't assume the same thing, it assumes that they unfortunately exist, period. Which they do, which is why people give advice.
People who say that advising others to protect themselves are assuming all men are rapists, which is simply projection.
When people say something like, "Protect yourself in a dangerous area" to a woman, it's something along the lines of, "lock your car doors" or "don't join that pyramid scheme." It's not victim blaming and it's not being insensitive. It's wanting to remind someone you care about that the world is dangerous and that it will be a bad place if you're not careful.
Pretending that people don't care about rape because they want to see evidence of a crime that's so often falsely claimed doesn't mean that people don't care. It's just a matter of evidence and justice for all parties involved, because
jumping to conclusions can be severely harmful.
So yeah, string a rapist up by his nuts.
Just make sure said rapist is actually a rapist, and don't make us out to be bad people for trying to advise on self-protection.