Spin Off: How do you guys Really feel about rape on here?


All Star
Jul 26, 2012
I always feel sorry for women who were raped, and I know that the majority of cases go unreported and there is tremendous skepticism surrounding rape victims and their cases.

What I say on the Net most of the time with regards to it is just #fukkery .

I'm sure cases of blackmail and cruelty/lies happen, but I can't ignore the stats on it. Being the only son in a family of females tho, I've been privy to more stories of near-assault and actual assault from their friends to take that seriously.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
Because at the time it came about it was solely about women's issues. People seem to get caught in the right wing propaganda about feminism and think it's still old school about man-hating. It actually was like that at one time, but it hasn't been like that in over 60 years....

Men's issues that feminism addresses are gender roles. One specific example is the stay at home father. Society views a man who chooses to stay at home with his children as weak. There's nothing weak about this. Women are allowed to want to be sahm but a if a boy said he wanted to be a sahf when he grew up, he would be discouraged by his dad (who has to buy into that crap) and laughed at by peers.

Exactly what is wrong with a dude wanting to stay home with his kids? People see it as de-masculating... but it's nothing of the sort.

First off, women aren't the only historical sufferers of gender roles. Women aren't expected to join the draft, they aren't the last ones off of a sinking ship, they aren't derided as useless if they don't have high-income jobs, they don't automatically lose custody of the kids and unfairly lose half their income in a divorce, they are given lighter sentences for similar crimes committed by men, and are way way more likely to win out in a domestic abuse case, even if she is the batterer.

So WOWIE. You're cool with men making the choice to be a stay at home father. The only reason I could imagine feminists being cool with this is because they see traditional female gender roles as something that was demeaning and beneath women, so men who are willing to be a stay at home father are welcome in their eyes and feminists will pay them lip service.

Now I personally don't see the problem with either sex doing what they want with their lives. As long as it doesn't hurt me it's none of my business to judge if someone's happy.

But all those other issues that are addressed? I don't see them being addressed by feminists in any meaningful sort of way. There might be a name here or there, maybe even a marginal minority. But all I see today is indignation against men in general over rape (unfair) or birth control funding (which, in all fairness, I actually do agree the feminists with on this one). In any case, it's still all about the women far more than it's about the men, and to say it's about equality is just abject delusion.


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
It's obviously disgusting, but unfortunately a lot of girls aren't street smart or don't possess enough common sense to avoid that shyt. I know girls who have been raped, and when they tell me the story i'm thinking:what: It's always them going somewhere with, or hanging around multiple dudes they don't even know at night time. They have this "just wanna have fun" attitude, but don't realize they're putting themselves in vulnerable positions. So they go to some party with only one other girl that's filled with guys they don't know, or they get in a car with guys they barely/don't know.:snoop:

I hope I never have a daughter, but if I do she's gonna be getting A LOT of education from me. She's gonna be street smart and aware and know what the fukk is up. I'm also gonna put her in some self defense classes starting when she's young. fukk i'm gonna have some sleepless nights if I have a daughter:sadcam:

Ooh Marty

Jun 18, 2012
Somewhere plottin
A woman should be able to wear whatever she wants :ld:

Just because she would rather wear a bakini than a pair of capri pants and a tank top doesnt mean shes asking to be raped :ld:

Thats just like saying men who sag their pants are asking for their behinds to be touched and to garner attention from gay men :ld:

Ooh Marty

Jun 18, 2012
Somewhere plottin
It's obviously disgusting, but unfortunately a lot of girls aren't street smart or don't possess enough common sense to avoid that shyt. I know girls who have been raped, and when they tell me the story i'm thinking:what: It's always them going somewhere with, or hanging around multiple dudes they don't even know at night time. They have this "just wanna have fun" attitude, but don't realize they're putting themselves in vulnerable positions. So they go to some party with only one other girl that's filled with guys they don't know, or they get in a car with guys they barely/don't know.:snoop:

I hope I never have a daughter, but if I do she's gonna be getting A LOT of education from me. She's gonna be street smart and aware and know what the fukk is up. I'm also gonna put her in some self defense classes starting when she's young. fukk i'm gonna have some sleepless nights if I have a daughter:sadcam:

Yes I do believe women should protect themselves and know to avoid huge crowds of men late at night especially at parties and places where liquor is being served.

Yes as a father you HAVE to educate your daughter about the filthy pervs out here and how to protect herself.