should we approach a random women on the street at all or only functions etc, if so what's the best way?
I think it's fine to approach women, but don't expect anything but a polite turn down, even if it's "no tHank you. I have a boyfriend". My comment is mainly addressing the fact that a lot of men think that approaching women is a compliment or that a woman should be flattered because they talked to them so they owe men a response and should consider how hard it is for this person they've never met to get in women's pants. I realize not everyone has malevolent intentions, but in women's eyes you don't know these strangers and you don't exist to be the object of random peoples' fantasies. ( so yeah it's a little unnerving and annoying to think someone is interrupting your day so you can gratify their existence and so that they can use you to get off). You're human and you don't have to reply to every single advance because well you're human, not a servant to someone else's ego. I'm just saying that sex isn't always a compliment considering men would sleep with anything and we know and are aware of that. It just strikes me as very weird that people feel entitled to a stranger's time and energy especially if that person is giving off signals that indicate she wants to be alone or isn't interested. That person is an individual, you will never know her situation and it's silly to generalize to the the entire female population, so just keep it moving.
Approaching women is fine, just pay attention to her signals, verbal and nonverbal. If she drops any line that says she isn't interested, don't take it personally. I know that's hard but Dating is a numbers game. If she's rude to you, you didn't need her anyway.