SPIN: How many of y'all growing up thought Rouge from X-Men was a light-skin or mixed Black woman?

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
You've definitely read a lot of the post-Romita jr work than I have, I'll have to peep some of the stories you were talking about, especially the Austrailia stuff. It's hard for me to read because of how much I miss the characters that leave for X-Factor and Excalibur, but Storm is still :salute: you're not the only one online I've seen that's a big fan of their "Outback" era. Not gonna lie it would be :wow: to see that lineup in love action (more on that another time)

How was the inferno storyline? I know it crosses over with Mutant Massacre which was hit and miss to me. The X-men vs Marauders fight the sewers was fire, I liked Colossus snapping Riptide's neck like :Birdman: , the Thor stories were legit and the one on one battles where Wolverine and Psylocke got their turns to battle Sabertooth were dope. (IIRC that was the first time Logan and Sabertooth fought in the comics, circa 212) After that it fizzled out to me a little bit.

I thought it was corny though the way the Marauders caught that monster L against Power Pack :mjlol:
Despite being established as these treacherous killers in the other books and bodying most of the X-men.
Wasn't really feeling Louise Simonson's writing style in X-factor either, but that's just me.

i definately urge you to check out all the outback era xmen.
they are my favorite on going arc and storyline.
that i actually was there for to actually collect in real time.
the other stories, namely the phoenix saga being the best of all time.
are heavy and this era captured more of what any kid wanted to see.
less talking and more ass kicking.
the xmen flying into villains lairs and handed that beat down was glorious.
plus, the fact it came to an end and how they had to flee was better than xtinction agenda..
as i am not a big fan of attacking the heros base and displacing them out of a great comfort zone in comics.
especially a luxury place like spidey's condo with mj.
or the xmen masion or the reavers bunk the xmen seized for themselves.
when, they told the reavers to gon get the fukk on.
plus, silvestri was so dark with green on the inks.
that he melded a realistic draftsmen craftsment ship with expressive franzeta like flair.
his ode to franzeta with havoc is my favorite cover of all time, actually.
well, because havoc is my favorite xmen of all time.

imo, the outback era was the best mix of kick ass and social storyline xmen in print ever.
our mutant heros drank beer and challenged wolverine to drink fests, jogged, went to the mall, played and decisiively set rank on who was the baddest ever, in storm. as she even beat jean gray as a child.
plus beat wolvie and of course cyclops in 201 to take leadership.
claremont's affectionate writing for storm was captivating and aggressive.
plus, developed her softer side even when she was punk.

during this ere was a big bonus to the consumer.
as, xmen and spidey would come bi-weekly. or, really every ten days.
on every odd thursday and ever other tuesday.
so, xmen and spidey would always be brand new on the shelf.
on alternate weeks and sometimes on the same day.
or one would drop on tuesday and then the bi-weekly's would drop thursday.
although, you better not play, on cop'n.
you, wait for your tuesday title on that thursday, and windup missing out on that bytch
[true story, i missed spidey 301, .306, 305, 310, 319. including 276. 277 of uncanny. of course i later copped and my idol jim lee signed my 248, and 276. along with a whilce portacio signing on 276. the outback run and a mcfarlane run of 300, and spider man are for sale if you want and likey. the mcfarlane run is missing 298, 299, 300. i sold those and they were a major major profit for my most prized possessions.]

so, you could miss out on issues.
not having the schedule down. or playing about going downtown to rick's.
trying to score a ride to the better store, in dolton.
to see the amzing joe gentle down at amazing fantasy.
who would always have a play on back issues somehow.
imo, inferno is the best and only crossover you really need to read as a definite.
the other crossovers like xtinction agenda are better over time are better because everyone of them got progressively worse.

as they milked the whole draw for the crossover past the saturation level of what it is worth.
that and commemorative cover relases and variants.
anyway. highly recommended and again my favorite arc to actually collect in real time.

even more than spidey, too.
the outback run is highly recommended.

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
:ohhh: I didn't know this.

what's crazy is,....

once i looked back at the images in my post of copolla and then looked at sheryl crow in all i wanna do.
to a recent picture of her.
it is really hard to believe those pictures are the same people.

especially the pigtails copolla to the cowboy single cover.
she was fioyine breh's.

i don't know what happened to crow, but she used to be a headturner.
on some what the hell type of race is you girl type shyt.
you sing with michael jackson,...you white,..really.
that was always the old school reaction to sheryl crow, back in the day.

art barr

RAX 010

Mar 20, 2013



Wtf u talkin bout? Ya Bish
May 28, 2012
FayetteNam, North Carolina #byrdgang
Sheryl crow was not always heroin blonde biker waif looking and used to be marketed with ethnic pr.
Sheryl crow used to be a bit more ethnic looking.
when all I wanna do is have some fun came out.
Sheryl crow and this other black chick, imani copolla.
Both crow and copolla had the same curly dark hairstyle.
that was viewed as eclectic and both were fine as fukk back then.
It was when both debuted.
So, I know exactly what happened with the whole Sheryl crow shyt.
Sheryl crow looks totally different.
from the crow later gens became familiar with.
Plus, they never played up crow's ethnic connection to mike jax.
When, she was known as kid rock's gf, too.
Plus, both copolla and crow kinda wore shyt at the time.
That kinda had no basis, or connection.
As most races would not infringe on the others look in the pop realm.
shyt was still kinda segregated in popular culture compared to now.

Later on crow changed her look, but her and copolla had that weird what in the fukk are they confused thing going on.
Plus, they were playing up crow was ethnic
By pr'n her mike jax background credits in thriller.
To make it seem like she could crossover to black music.

imani copolla



on her debut, black women did not really take public chances to much like this.
Unless you were mad eclectic and being eclectic like this was taboo.
All because of Lisa bonet and the cosby/sex movie/married to Lenny kravitz goes crazy and locks her on an island.
Then the subsequent Lenny kravitz album j card photo controversy that he is still trying to recover from.
Which may never happen because it was so explicitly lame.
Nobody could fukk'n get past it and it had no place and kravitz could not explain it and all the bonet weird shyt going on.
Plus, bonet ruined her career being weird for no reason.
She probably can't even explain what the fukk she was on.

So, copolla was lumped into that weird eclectic weirdness.
Since she was black and flopped.
[wiki, writes about copolla with inaccurate dates and makes it seem like she set the world on fire with cowboy and did not, at all]

Sheryl looked like copolla in look and was white.

So, back then crow was this weird kinda mix of what the fukk is she.
When crow debuted she had a totally different look.
Than the look crow adopted.
to relaunch as a biker bar chick with the shytty blond die job and heroin muscle atrophy ribcage physique.

Crow was night and day different on debut.
from the crow the next Gen became familiar.
As a matter of fact looks wise she was a totally different woman.

When she first showed up, it was like who in the fukk is that and her look was totally different.
Later on I guess when we all became settled with her look.
After her image change from kid rock visibility.
Originally, her and imani copolla were kinda like who and what the fukk are these two fiyoine bytches races supposed to be.

Art Barr

Imma try to find the copolla single j card pic.
On there her and crow favor in look swag wise and people were confused back then.

The world was different way different for women before erykah badu showed up.
All these eclectic and ethnic looking bytches need to pray to badu.

This wiki shyt is wrong as fukk about copolla, too.
The debut single for copolla was out way before the album dropped.
Like considerable gap difference between single dropping and album dropping cause I have both crow's debut on tape and I have copolla's debut single on cd.


Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012

Be the royal tool that promotes illiteracy,.....

Take yo broke no kingdom having ass the fukk on, goofie.
nikkaz with black dragonbalz avi's like they old snitches at comicon convention during a cosplay broke and no booth exhibition.
fukk'n lame,......
Please hurry up and be a lame rapper and snitch.
So, we can speed up the obvious ban process.
All dragon ball z fukk boi's, do around here.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
You've definitely read a lot of the post-Romita jr work than I have, I'll have to peep some of the stories you were talking about, especially the Austrailia stuff. It's hard for me to read because of how much I miss the characters that leave for X-Factor and Excalibur, but Storm is still :salute: you're not the only one online I've seen that's a big fan of their "Outback" era. Not gonna lie it would be :wow: to see that lineup in love action (more on that another time)

How was the inferno storyline? I know it crosses over with Mutant Massacre which was hit and miss to me. The X-men vs Marauders fight the sewers was fire, I liked Colossus snapping Riptide's neck like :Birdman: , the Thor stories were legit and the one on one battles where Wolverine and Psylocke got their turns to battle Sabertooth were dope. (IIRC that was the first time Logan and Sabertooth fought in the comics, circa 212) After that it fizzled out to me a little bit.

I thought it was corny though the way the Marauders caught that monster L against Power Pack :mjlol:
Despite being established as these treacherous killers in the other books and bodying most of the X-men.
Wasn't really feeling Louise Simonson's writing style in X-factor either, but that's just me.

I loved powerpack actually.
That is one of my favorite titles as a kid and I have no idea why marvel has not made powerpack into a legit movie.
Also, power pack could have kicked the marauders ass.
They had no emotional connection to anyone in the group.
The xmen had to deal with Lorna being posessed by malice.
Plus, the pack were a better oiled machine than the marauders, too.
The marauders got by on surprise and the emotional connection of Lorna being under malice.
I would have to go back and see who was the destroyer and who was counter weight back then
Yet, if jack or Alex was counterweight or the destroyer.
They were given beats to a lot of people underestimating the pack.
If jack was the destroyer or counterweight.
Imo, I think jack was probably one of marvel's most about it characters.
He would have blasted as the destroyer.
Or, let them hands go.
If he was counter weight

Louise was great with bogdanov and the stories her and her husband collab'd on, Thor.

Especially any balder the brave stuff, I enjoyed the hell out of.

Art Barr
Mar 16, 2013
I loved powerpack actually.
That is one of my favorite titles as a kid and I have no idea why marvel has not made powerpack into a legit movie.
Also, power pack could have kicked the marauders ass.
They had no emotional connection to anyone in the group.
The xmen had to deal with Lorna being posessed by malice.
Plus, the pack were a better oiled machine than the marauders, too.
The marauders got by on surprise and the emotional connection of Lorna being under malice.
I would have to go back and see who was the destroyer and who was counter weight back then
Yet, if jack or Alex was counterweight or the destroyer.
They were given beats to a lot of people underestimating the pack.
If jack was the destroyer or counterweight.
Imo, I think jack was probably one of marvel's most about it characters.
He would have blasted as the destroyer.
Or, let them hands go.
If he was counter weight

Louise was great with bogdanov and the stories her and her husband collab'd on, Thor.

Especially any balder the brave stuff, I enjoyed the hell out of.

Art Barr

Walt Simonson Thor :banderas:
I've only read the Beta Ray Bill story and the Mutant Massacre tie-ins though :mjcry:

And to be fair, I normally like both of the Simonsons, Louise and Walt even though I was personally :patrice: on the way every sentence ended with an exclamation mark in their early X-factor issues. Angel getting crucified by the marauders was still a classic moment no doubt, which led to the X-factor vs Apocalypse confrontation in the Fall Of The Mutants storyline.

Vice Queen

aka Joe Henny
Jan 15, 2015
Just had to come in here and say....

Hell naw I never thought Rogue was white.

Edit: I mean black. How I failed to realize this error earlier..... I have brought immense shame upon my family.
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