negroes getting upset over django and its portrayal of slavery, but what are yall really doing to heal the community from the effects of slavery? you act like this movie is interfering with you or any other black person fully processing and healing from slavery. yall wasnt thinking about slavery before django and you aint thought about slavery since you seen django. there may be a few exceptions but at least 95% of yall bytching are in no way shape or form involved in healing race relations in the US... so stop the bullshyt.
imo anytime the US has to come face to face with its ugly past, i love it. i love seeing media outlets try to tap dance around race as an issue, or the way just the mention of the word slavery causes people to become uncomfortable. and it should. because the US still has not even begun to acknowledge or make good for what they did to blacks. and they dont give a bucket of piss about the indigenous tribes either.
so our society being forced to see slavery is a small win.
getting people to be conscious about slavery, when before there was nothing, is a small win.
people talking about slavery and having discussions about its brutality and its implications, is a small win.
a freed slave outsmarting and killing a dozen slavemasters is definitely a muthafukkin win.
and black love is the biggest win of them all
but all yall wanna do is complain about the cot damn white man and how he's exploiting slavery. well guess what the white man is getting the most of yo ass too when you wake up at 7am and go to his job. sending your babies to get educated in his schools to get the same cot damn education that isnt teaching american children about slavery, which further perpetuates the culture of ignorance. so you been getting exploited by the white man ya whole damn life. again that may not be everybody, but its a solid majority.
yall betta wake up man... get money, build a strong foundation, help your peoples out, be a good person, that's it.
let the hating begin...