One grip that I had was during Kingpin commemorating Spiderman's death. Him doing it wasn't really a surprise or anything, nor was the grip, but my grip was that Mary Jane was seemingly alright with this. In this point of the universe, MJ was established as being his wife/widow here and she seems to have stated nothing ill about Kingpin doing his funeral. Not to say that she could've suspected Kingpin being behind his death, per say, but I'm sure she had to have known from Peter how villainous Kingpin really was, yet she didn't mention anything about him doing this and it not at all being a farce to her in some accord. Her going along with it is one thing, but no mention of her thinking it being questionable seemed off to me. Unless I missed something here.
Anyone else feel differently?
Yeah it didn't bug me because I can see her going through with it just because it would bring attention to her husband's life and his heroics, regardless of who it was. I can't see Peter keeping a secret like that from her, regarding who Wilson Fisk really was, but I can see MJ going about her business how she did in order to maintain appearances and keep out from under his radar