Just having a young spider-man in the presence of the avengers isstatus. If they tie him in with jessica jones and daredevil i'll be
That's asking for too much breh

But, we can hope

Just having a young spider-man in the presence of the avengers isstatus. If they tie him in with jessica jones and daredevil i'll be
Back dat ass up
Was just about to make a thread on this.
I never heard of this guy
@MartyMcFly, come tell me how im supposed to feel about this
Tried to tell folks earlier,Spiderman is officially the "lil homie" now...Spiderman having to audition to be in a crew that has Hawkeye and Black Widow as members
....I said earlier in this thread Spiderman should be fighting all the Avengers at the same damn time....that's Spiderman breh
And irrc the idea they have is the same one I had somewhat that people shytted on,except worse....Also it shows maybe there was some behind the scenes stuff with Garfield going on unless they just needed a scapegoat....Because theres no reason they couldn't have kept the series going if that's the plot they are using....the timeline would not have been off at all.
Was just about to type "something like this with Spidey..." and then I saw him and said
I use to think that until Eddie norton's hulk, ironman 2 and iron man 3aint nobody gonna do Spiderman,the Xmen or Fantastic
four right but Marvel......
So you giving Evans no credit for tws?!!!?counterproductive breh, no way they are going to jeopardize iron man's status when non of the others solo movies have made bank like he has (closes being TWS but that was despite evans)
In there heads ironman kickstarted the whole band and has outsold everyone. Until his contract is up and he walks or a contender emerges iron man remains the man
he stepped his game up all right but that shyt was a collective effort. Everything combined from the writer/director/choreographer,ensemble e.t.c just clicked. Its like giving Pratt the credit for GOTG, nahSo you giving Evans no credit for tws?!!!?