Are you sure you understand what you’re saying?
If you calculate the total carbon output that humanity could produce year-to-year without creating runaway global warming, then divide it by the number of people, that would be the per-person sustainable carbon footprint. The average roundtrip flight to another continent creates a per-person carbon footprint equal to that annual number. In other words, if every person travelled overseas once a year, we would ensure catastrophic global warming even if our carbon output in every other facet of life was extraordinarily minimal.
Thankfully, most people don't travel overseas. But there are certain people working hard to normalize it among Westerners, especially Americans recently, which has already produced a large environmental burden that will only grow. And what becomes normalized in America then spreads to the rest of the world as the global middle class grows. Zero-emission commercial flight is nowhere near reality right now, and creating massive extra energy and other resource demands solely so we can travel blog is only going to make every effort to reel this shyt in worse.
He's Flight Shaming. It's the next new thing everyone will be upset about. Getting ready for being solely responsible for killing the planet because you went to France last year.
Do you have any argument other than coming up with a silly name?
A round-trip flight from the USA to Paris produces over 2,000 pounds of CO2 per person. Over 3,000 pounds if you're coming from the West Coast. We literally can't have everyone doing that or our lives are fukked. To have that kind of unsustainable impact solely because you wanted some travel photos is insanely selfish. What's your solution other than coming up with silly phrases online and then sticking your head in the sand?