Man, I'm glad to see some sensible brothers on here.
Raising my sons to never need that type of approval.
Dudes will be 40 years old with families, thirsty to pledge and leaving their wives and kids at home to go dance around with other men. Wives will be divorcing their husbands because they have E.D because they decided to pledge and have internal damage from canes being shoved inside of their hind parts. I dated several sorority women because they were supposedly “educated and refined” and their so-called “sisters” never lifted a finger to help them , other than to ask for money or donations. I’m sitting there helping them through MAJOR life things and their brothers and sisters were nowhere around. For the most part the women just used their sisters for money, their frat brothers to cheat on their boyfriends or husbands, and the men used the new pledges to cheat on their wives or were sleeping with their frat brothers on the DL. It’s a bread and circus show so they can feel good about themselves but when you realize they lives are just as if not more screwed up than regular folks you get turned off from them.
Rant over, but where I live you would think they would have you thinking that they run the world which is how they lure in the new pledges, because everyone want to wear colors all the time and slap a license plate cover on their car, but when you out here in the real world you see they really have no actual power or influence, and and don’t actually do anything to substantively help out the black community. Then on top of that you beating and raping people that look like you too, and want to have an entitled “I’m better than you” attitude.
RIP to this poor boy.
RIP to the young man. Frats are cults.
That frat shyt is sus i dont care what no one says