talk on Kiev's gradual descent into Mad Max beyond Thunderdome status??


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
1h 51m ago

Russian troops have surrounded at least two military bases in Crimea and approached others seeking to gain access or get hold or their weapons. There were reported to be about 150 Russian troops and more than 20 military vehicles outside the Perevalnoe base, where there was a tense standoff. Ukrainian soldiers drove a tank up to the inside gates of the base in response and around 15 of them lined up against the gate.

The Ukrainian prime minister, Arseny Yatsenyuk, said Russia has declared war on Ukraine and that it is not just a threat from Moscow. He warned: “We are on the brink of disaster”.

The US secretary of state, John Kerry, warned that Russia could be expelled from the G8 and face economic sanctions, unless President Vladimir Putin halts his “incredible act of aggression”. He also mentioned visa bans, asset freezes and trade isolation as possible steps.

Nato secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen accused Russia of threatening peace and security in Europe by its actions and of violating the UN charter. He called on Russia to “de-escalate”.

Britain and France joined the US in pulling out of preparatory meetings for the G8 economic summit, scheduled to be held in June at the Black Sea resort of Sochi, site of the just-concluded 2014 Winter Olympics.

Ukraine’s parliament has called for international monitors to help ensure the safety of its nuclear power plants.

•There were demonstrations both for and against Russian intervention in Ukraine in Moscow. There were at least 10,000 people at the pro demonstration, according to AP, although reporters said some were ordered to be there. The anti demonstration was much smaller but saw at least 50 people detained by Russian police.

1h 53m ago

The new commander of the Ukrainian navy, Denys Berezovsky, has “defected”, just one day after being appointed, it is being reported.

1-day Ukraine's navy commander #Berezovsky defects, takes oath of office as new Crimea's commander-video by@KSHN

— Myroslava Petsa (@myroslavapetsa) March 2, 2014
2h 26m ago

#Russia invasion of #Crimea has Kyivans volunteering for#Ukraine armed forces in their droves - friends, their husbands and their fathers

— Maxim Tucker (@MaxRTucker) March 2, 2014
@andersostlund Source is me - my friends, husbands of friends and fathers of friends en masse

— Maxim Tucker (@MaxRTucker) March 2, 2014
Thousands in central Kiev today as the crisis in the#Crimea is sweeping up patriotic fervor. #Ukraine

— Ian Lee (@ianjameslee) March 2, 2014
2h 47m ago

Another Ukrainian base has been surrounded in Crimea.

I'm outside the Marines base in Feodosia, surrounded by Russian troops. Tense negotiations going on

— Shaun Walker (@shaunwalker7) March 2, 2014
2h 51m ago

The Guardian’s Europe editor, Ian Traynor, raises the prospect of Vladimir Putin being “the new [Slobodan] Milosevic” in an article examining what will happen now in Ukraine.

He writes:

The most benign outcome is that Putin envisages a Georgia-style incursion, a brief week of creating new facts on the ground, limiting the campaign to taking control of the Crimean peninsula with its majority ethnic Russian population, and then negotiating and dictating terms from a position of strength to the weak and inexperienced new leadership in Kiev ...

The aim, as Ukraine’s acting president speculated on Sunday, may be to wreck Ukraine economically; to disable its functioning as a genuinely independent state.

That aim would encourage Putin to expand his influence from Crimea into eastern Ukraine, dismissing Kiev’s authority, broadly cutting the country in two, Kiev and the west versus the east and the south.

That raises the prospect of civil war. Already, in the initial skirmishing, the tactics and the methodology that made Serbia’s Milosevic so ascendant in the Yugoslav wars of 1991-95 and Kosovo in 1998-99 (although he lost them all in the end) are evident ...

If Putin opts to be the new Milosevic, the west will be staring a new division of Europe in the face.

He adds that there “appears little appetite in the west for getting seriously embroiled beyond diplomacy”.

3h 4m ago

There have been pro- and anti-war demonstrations in Moscow today, AP reports.

It says at least 10,000 people bearing Russian flags marched through Moscow in support of an invasion of Ukraine. However, it appears some may have been there under orders.

Woman at pro-invasion protest: "My boss forced me to come. You think anyone wants to be here?"

— Laura Mills (@lauraphylmills) March 2, 2014
In Red Square, where there was an anti-invasion demonstration, at least 50 people were detained and at least five police vans, which carry between 15 and 20 protesters, drove away from the square, according to AP.


Russian police detain a protester during an unsanctioned anti-war rally close to the the ministry of defense on 2 March, 2014 in Moscow, Russia. Photograph: Kommersant Photo/Kommersant via Getty Images

People march during a procession in central Moscow, 2 March, 2014. People gathered on Sunday to support the people of Crimea and Ukraine, including Russian speakers, and to protest against the policies conducted by Ukraine's new authorities recently elected in Kiev, according to organisers. Photograph: Sergei Karpukhin/Reuters
3h 18m ago

Here are a few tweets on how Russian TV is covering events in Crimea.

Lies. Russian State TV is using footage from clashes in Kiev claiming it's Crimea. From 1:40

— Simon Kruse (@crusoes) March 2, 2014
Russia's state "Rossiya 24" channel narrative this evening: Crimea known hub for Islamic terrorists heading to Syria.

— Ryskeldi Satke (@RyskeldiSatke) March 2, 2014
Now it's serious. Russia's state-run Channel One says it won't air the Oscars tonight because of events in Ukraine

— Miriam Elder (@MiriamElder) March 2, 2014
3h 32m ago

Russia Today’s depiction of an idyllic scene in the Crimea is not entirely convincing.

Tea, music, photos with self-defense forces mark peaceful Sunday in Simferopol

— RT (@RT_com) March 2, 2014


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
4h 2m ago

Ukraine is preparing to defend itself against Russia but will ask other countries for help if Russia expands its military activity, the Ukrainian ambassador to the United Nations said today. Yuriy Sergeyev told CNN’s State of the Union:

We are to demonstrate that we have our own capacity to protect ourselves as decided today in parliament and we are preparing to defend ourselves. If aggravation is going in that way, when the Russian troops are enlarging their quantity with every coming hour, naturally we will ask for military support and other kind of support.

Sergeyev asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to pull back in observance of the Orthodox Church’s holy season of Lent, which starts on Monday. He said:

If he demonstrates his Christianity, rather than preparing to kill us, he should pray for us.


Soldiers who were among several hundred that took up positions around a Ukrainian military base walk towards their parked vehicles in Crimea on 2 March, 2014 in Perevanle, Ukraine. Photograph: Sean Gallup/Getty Images
4h 9m ago

Here are some more quotes from that interview with John Kerry on CBS’s Face the Nation in which he warned Russia faced a number of possible sanctions if it did not pull back from Ukraine.

It’s an incredible act of aggression. It is really a stunning, willful choice by President (Vladimir) Putin to invade another country. Russia is in violation of the sovereignty of Ukraine. Russia is in violation of its international obligations...

There will be serious repercussions if this stands. The president ... told Mr Putin that it was imperative to find a different path, to roll back this invasion and un-do this act of invasion.

He added that G8 nations and some other countries are “prepared to go to the hilt to isolate Russia” with a “broad array of options” available.

They’re prepared to put sanctions in place, they’re prepared to isolate Russia economically, the ruble is already going down. Russia has major economic challenges.

He also mentioned visa bans, asset freezes and trade isolation as possible steps.

We’re not trying to make this a battle between East and West, we’re not trying to make this a Cold War. Nobody wants this kind of action, there are many ways to resolve this kind of problem. If Russia wants to be a G8 country, it needs to behave like a G8 country, and I guarantee you that everybody is determined that if this cannot be resolved in a reasonable, modern, 21st Century manner, there are going to be repercussions.

He said Putin’s actions were motivated by “weakness and out of a certain kind of desperation”.

4h 23m ago

Czech Republic recalls its ambassador to #Russia for what it calls "Prague Spring in the #Crimea." Damn.

— Julia Ioffe (@juliaioffe) March 2, 2014
4h 24m ago

chair calls for extraordinary meeting in Vienna tonight of the OSCE 57 participating States on the crisis in #Ukraine

— OSCE (@OSCE) March 2, 2014
Ukraine and Russia are members of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, as is the US.

4h 34m ago

John Kerry made the comments about imposing sanctions on Russia on CBS’s Face the Nation programme.

He condemned Russia’s “incredible act of aggression” in Ukraine, adding:

You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pre-text.

Whatever the rights and wrongs of the current situation that is a statement that is a statement likely to be flung back at him given what happened in Iraq.

Kerry added that Russia still has “a right set of choices” that can be made to defuse the crisis.

4h 46m ago

Ukraine has withdrawn its coastguard vessels from the Crimean ports of Kerch and Sevastopol to Odessa and Mariupol, Reuters reports, describing it as “a sign that Russian forces were completing their seizure of the isolated Black Sea peninsula”.

4h 52m ago

The US secretary of state, John Kerry, has warned Russia of “very serious repercussions” from the US and the west, including sanctions that would “isolate Russia economically”, according to a Reuters newsflash.

4h 53m ago

Confirming the UK’s withdrawal from preparatory meetings for the G8 summit in Sochi, the BBC reports foreign secretary William Hague as saying:

The sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Ukraine has been violated and this cannot be the way to conduct international affairs. And so in addition to calling yesterday’s emergency meeting of the UN security council, the United Kingdom will join other G8 countries this week in suspending our cooperation under the G8 which Russia chairs.

4h 55m ago

The Ukrainian Navy HQ in #Sevastopol - nervous-looking troops stay in base which is surrounded by various armed men

— Will Vernon (@BBCWillVernon) March 2, 2014
5h 12m ago

German foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said the situation in Ukraine is “extremely dangerous” and he urged Russia to desist transgressions of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity. He said:

It is urgently necessary that all those responsible desist from taking further steps that can only be seen as a provocation.

Anything else would lead to an escalation with uncertain, possibly dramatic consequences.

Steinmeier also said Russia had no right to deploy its military in Ukrainian sovereign territory beyond the rules of the treaty on the Russian Black Sea fleet.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
5h 36m ago

Britain has followed in the footsteps of the US by pulling out of preparatory talks due to be held in the coming days for the G8 summit in Sochi over Russia’s decision to take military action in
Ukraine, the Press Association reports citing Foreign Office officials.

France has also suspended its participation in the meetings according to a Reuters newsflash, citing a presidential source.



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
7h 22m ago

Oksana Grytsenko, reporting from the Guardian in Ukraine, has been speaking to a Ukrainian MP who said that Russian soldiers have been trying to get Ukrainian forces in Crimea to give up their weapons:

Hrygory Nemyria, Batkivshchyna lawmaker, told journalists regarding Russian soldiers in Crimea: “In three locations they didn’t just block but came in. They suggested military personal give up arms.” He added that the same was happening with several police units.

Parliament approved with more that 300 votes a resolution appealing to state guarantors of Ukraine’s security (UK and US) to involve and send monitoring missions here. Nemyria said: “They have Russian citizens in Ukraine’s provinces orchestrating illegal seizure of administrative buildings.”He added that Russians acted in Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Mykolayiv yesterday.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
I'm just waiting for Russia to throw this bullshyt rhetoric back at the West for all their illegal interventions in the past. The shyt is comedy to watch willing participants of illegal invasions suddenly so up in arms about it. Especially since Russia technically hasn't broken any laws yet. :heh:


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
John Kerry made the comments about imposing sanctions on Russia on CBS’s Face the Nation programme.

He condemned Russia’s “incredible act of aggression” in Ukraine, adding:

You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pre-text.

This had me roflmao. Is Kerry fukking serious with that statement? Iraq would like a word with you Mr Kerry.