Excuse me my "nikkaz" but don't you realize you been conditioned into being a :3cept:
Comments like these mang...
As if it wasn't that already
So previous seasons where not mad disrespectful

Ain't nobody learning any "lessons" from watching the Boondocks. Its c00nery in cartoon form
Was funny, had some creative funnyman talent behind it.
But for the same reasons why Chappelle left Comedy Central, this show was even worse
Not sure if you new age naggaz realize it, probably don't
Huey is a front, a character in a minstrel show bruh
This is the stuff they like to make fun of, while c00nz be like "Yo, dis a lesson in dis my nikkaz"
Oh really

Aight, lesson time children.
Here's the real version
^^^ Oh, so the police want to get him into the system so they can get him the help he needs

Well it seems they were really on top of thangs. Sad story, really sad.
Hey lets make a joke out of it.. I'm sure there is a real lesson if we make fun of it.. then end it like Juice
That will make the youth think
What you should be thinking about his how that very same week, this happened...
Two 7-Year-Old Boys, Two Dramatically Different News Stories (VIDEO)
^^^ I just taught you way more than Aaron did. All he did was make a joke out of it

So lets makes jokes then..
Hilarious, maybe Aaron can make a cameo and produce one last episode