Sony Reaches Programming Deal With Viacom for Online Pay-TV Service

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang

Everyone and their dog is trying to create some kind of streaming future for TV, but deals with content providers have proven incredibly difficult to nail down. But the Wall Street Journal reports that Sony has apparently cleared that hurdle, striking an agreement with TV giant Viacom.

Sony Is Going to Make a Cable Killing Streaming TV Service Later This Year
Variety reports that one of Sony's big fish announcements this year will be a broadband TV service that'll compete directly with cable. The … Read…

The deal would let Sony's rumored internet TV service offer Viacom content (MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, etc.) in addition to its own massive library of television series and films. WSJ reports that there are still a few details to iron out with Viacom, but once the ink is dry, Sony might have something really awesome on its hands. Apparently it's also in talks with Disney, Time Warner, and CBS for an even more expansive offering.

A successful Sony streaming TV service would also bolster PS4 in the living room. Microsoft has obviously been making a similar push with the Xbox One, but this makes it very clear that Sony is very serious about the exact same space.

But the timing here is key. Sony has already had to stall the service once because cable companies have such tight control over content. And Intel, Google, and Apple are also hard at work on their own competing services. Still, it's the first major breakthrough we've seen with a content provider that matters. Most encouraging of all? The WSJ says Sony aims to launch by the end of the year, which means the future of TV might not be as far away as we thought.


too bad you can't use Kinect to control all that shyt. I wish Sony would focus on the games. Now they gonna charge GAMERS for services they didn't ask for. Now I. See why PSN cost money now :wow:

just so you can parade around a bootleg version of live? Now we know what those 4gb went to. Another system not designed to do what Xbox is designed to do is not a good sign of innovation from the Sony camp. Another 180 that you wanna ignore? :laff:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Sony needs to holla @ Disney before someone pulls the triggers first.
Microsoft made a deal with Disney a few months ago :umad:
This idea is horrible for Sony. Should kill them off. I could elaborate but who listens to me :manny:

Cable Box not required, already being done now (albeit limited), is not a glorified overlay for an existing cable box, again already being done, Sony made sure people knew it was a GAMING CONSOLE first and foremost unlike MS who led off with all that TV shyt.
That's a nice hunk of shyt you slangin right there boy :whew: Because Sony didn't do shyt, you made up that lie. What did Sony do exactly? First they had a reveal with no console :what: And they showed off Knack and some lame ass PSmove game nobody will ever buy, especially since its not even included with the system anymore. Then a bunch of boring dashboard Facebook integration. Xbox showed off just the future of entertainment :birdman:

E3 comes and goes and Xbox dominated Sony with the games. While you cry and claim they not focused on games, we still in the dark about PSN, ps4 games, but this news right here? This lead to you saying out your mouth that "Sony is about the games" :deadmanny:
wake up from your fanboy induced stuper :facepalm:

:ohhh: Does anyone realize that this Pay-TV service will allow Sony to subsidize the entire price of a PS4/PS Camera bundle for new customers?

Microsoft owns Skype. But, Skype is already on the PS Vita. And it's in Skype's best interest to be on the PS4 instead of letting a competitor like "Google Hangouts" take that marketshare on the PS4.
Wow, how many times are you gonna make shyt up?
They can charge you more so you end up paying more in the long run. Not sure why that's a good thing? As for Skype on ps4? :laff:

:blessed: you love them Xbox features dontcha satam!!!
Never gonna happen. Vita had Skype before M$ bought the building. They not in the handheld market so it doesn't affect them. On consoles, that's a direct violation. They not gonna give Sony Xbox features. Your logic is so fanboyish I can't stop laughing at the notion :russ:
I heard ya, vita has it so everyone else should to. Besides they'll make more money that way right? :bryan:

Don't worry, Sony will come up with a shytty alternative and you'll say"Bruh, it's just like Skype for Xbox" even though it will be nothing like it. But that's ok, that's been good enough all this Gen. So you have no problem dealing with bullshyt like that again next Gen.

battered housegamer syndrome:smh:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang

Aint nobody reading all that shyt @PS4
I hear the smartest people in history got that way by sharing the same mentality you exhibit
Did you just feel some wind pass your head?

Ok, let me dumb it down for you. You spot a piece of Silver. 2 feet to the right of that is a piece of Gold that is worth 10x the amount of silver you spotted
Your so happy that YOU SPOTTED the piece of Silver you don't care that there is a piece of gold right next to it
Now you rock ONLY SILVER, even if its worth $100 less than the Gold

I understand you like Silver, but if you stopped being such a bitter fakkit, you'd be rocking GOLD :blessed:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang

I'm still mad :manny:....
Hey, at least you get to watch cable via your system like we been doing on xbox for years already :ooh:
Oh wait, this time its via sony. Well, that means my nikka Courtdogstradamus was spot on about that cable company shyt huh man :leon:

But this is different. This is a partnership with Viacom. Xbox was gonna partner but realized that would of been a HORRIBLE idea. I would love to tell you why, but I'm saving that because I expect you to slip up even more. Then I'll drop the bombshell on you and you'll be :sadcam:

Google is doing there own, Apple is rumored to be doing there own as well (internet)
Microsoft decided to wait just a lil longer because they didnt want to "upset" the cable companies
Google that if you think I'm just making that last line up. Xbox will wait as everyone turns on sony (just like they did for E3/Always online) and then they'll lead the way :blessed:


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
:ufdup: y'all are supposed to not care about "entertainment features"

Why isn't Sony spending all their money/recourses on games?:mjpls:

First they lied about the ram allocation, now their spending a bunch of money on tv.........TV


LIED????? They've never spoken on the RAM allocation. The 7GB of RAM for games was just a rumor from a random playstation fan site that the internet ran with.


May 2, 2012
:ufdup: y'all are supposed to not care about "entertainment features"

Why isn't Sony spending all their money/recourses on games?:mjpls:

First they lied about the ram allocation, now their spending a bunch of money on tv.........TV

Who said this was a ps4 exclusive deal? Sony isnt just a gaming company, they make other shyt too.

If they wanna spend resources to create their own internet tv services then they are free to do that, and it has noth8ng to do with ps4


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
LIED????? They've never spoken on the RAM allocation. The 7GB of RAM for games was just a rumor from a random playstation fan site that the internet ran with.
They promoted it and y'all applauded it as all about the games. Obviously that isn't true if so much of the ram is allocated to other things:umad:
Who said this was a ps4 exclusive deal? Sony isnt just a gaming company, they make other shyt too.

If they wanna spend resources to create their own internet tv services then they are free to do that, and it has noth8ng to do with ps4
y'all did. That's why ps4 is supposed to be so much better. Cause it was just for gamers and:birdman: don't nobody watch tv.

This is part of what your paying for. You should be upset that Sony is forcing you to fund their "entertainment" ambitions:ufdup:


May 2, 2012
They promoted it and y'all applauded it as all about the games. Obviously that isn't true if so much of the ram is allocated to other things:umad:

y'all did. That's why ps4 is supposed to be so much better. Cause it was just for gamers and:birdman: don't nobody watch tv.

This is part of what your paying for. You should be upset that Sony is forcing you to fund their "entertainment" ambitions:ufdup:
How are we funding sonys entertainment? And again how does this have anything to do with ps4? Sony is charging for psn so they can compete with live. This had nothing to do with starting a internet based tv service. What your doing is the same as if I were to bring up microsofts struggling windows 8 phones as a reason the xbox took a loss.