my point isnt what you two are arguing or talking about
my point is there's more than 1 person on the feelin it demo
If my voice is part of your demo and you sold the idea then I want credit for being apart of it
obviously a demo isnt cleared or set in stone
so when ski sells it and the idea ... you cant stop him until after its published
then you have a case when you are the second guy on the demo who was thrown to the side
the producer can see the vision and spit the first verse but if I'm on part of the blueprint then I'm binded to the idea of that song, there's no proof or heresay that could prove that I wasnt if I'm physically recording with you on that demo. I could even argue that I helped you find and place that chorus and there's no way to tell anyone I didnt. Even if you say its for Ski's album or not you cant totally prove that after the fact that its sold. I could make a song right now and tell people its for Busta Rhymes new album but thats never the truth until it actually happens. The only proof you walk away with is physical evidence such as more than just Ski being on the record.
You just posted that Suede was the one rapping on it... he has a case whether it matters in this discussion or not that he directly contributed to that cut with proof. The idea isnt set in stone until Jay cleared the sample and Ski takes production credit but you can easily say you helped contribute to it and were cut out of the deal. Whether Ski did most of the work or not, it cant be proven from the demo alone because nobody is documented as who did what on the demo. This works
especially if the paperwork on their end isnt clearly stated and written with what Ski sold Jay-z exactly. (chorus, etc) If it was just some unsettled dough transfer then you can easily say you inspired part of all of that.
I'm not saying whats cool or whats not... I'm not ragging on Jay or Ski ... or Camp Lo ... I'm just pointing out the reality of having a demo as evidence, beyond Ski saying heresay shyt. Even if Ski didnt sell the song to Jay you have proof that you contributed to the song as Suede and could get a share of it. This isnt saying Jay sharked them because if he bought it fair and square, than he can do what he wants. But that dont mean you cant claim your part.