Jst because WWE doesn't do some of the things that were posted in this thread doesn't mean other forms of media dont do them. My girl is a big Days of our lives fan and sometimes if I am at home when it's on I'll watch it with her. You havepeople sleeping with people's alter egos which would be considered rape, people killing people and covering up the murder, a woman named Gabi forging her friend Abby pregnancy Dna results to make it look as if Abby is pregnant by her brother in law Stefan who her alter ego Gabby slept with because Gabi wants revenge on her Abby because Abby's alter ego Gabby and Stefan framed her for killing Stefan and Abby's husband Chad's other brother Andre. Then you have other characters on the show who are doing things that you would be surprised that they would still put on tv in today's society. But looking at video's you guys posted I have to ask how are we as a society more sensitive then we were 15-20 years ago? It should be the exact opposite. It's like we have gone back to the 1930's were something like a woman in a bikini was controversial. I am surprised rappers still refer to women as bytches in their songs.