Science has proven man left Africa 70,000 plus years ago to go to other islands half way across the world. Do you know how....? their features, languages that fit African Tribes to the T and lineage that reproduced for generations that survived up til last year. I doubt highly you ever read up on Tribes as collective groups from the Amazon to Africa that really don't mess with the modern world. Their emotional structure is more simple in it's means than us as a modern society. As before in modern society sexual, physical and mental abuse( even ancient society had this) that trigger emotional disconnects from what is considered normal. Even the foods we eat in the last 30 years has triggered problems for our bodies. Out of all those things you don't think that has sparked the cause.
But according to your people existed and that's it.
This doesn't even mean anything.
You can't make massive jumps to go from the study of linguistic distribution to one culture's views on sexuality. Otherwise, you'd have to start addressing the remote tribes in Papua New Guinea.
Simplicity has nothing to do with it. Thats a subjective argument that you're passing off as objective. Its dishonest and don't do it again.
There is more that had to do with the evolution of humanity than merely where it came from. Everything from geography, to weather, available crops, and available resources. Read Guns Germs and Steel or something.
Just stop trying to make it sound like the second largest continent has some inherently "non gay" instinct to it.
I'd much rather you just say that gay people make you think of icky thoughts and kill your boner rather than trying to come up with pseudointellectual bullshyt arguments and misrepresenting anthropological arguments you don't even understand.
You're an absolute cornball.