Solange attacks Jay Z in elevator... Jay lost


Jul 28, 2013

I can't take this.:laff:
May 1, 2012
[ Blind Gossip ] Inside a green room at a recent big event. Three women, one man, all celebrities. Several relatives of one of the women were also in the room, along with a child or two, a couple of personal assistants and a few venue staffers. There was going to be a big audience, and nerves should have been riding high.

But the three women were all remarkably calm. Two were sitting quietly chatting with each other. The third woman was texting someone on her cell phone.

However, the man was not as calm. He was pacing back and forth, barking instructions at the third woman.

He became angry that she wasn’t giving him her full attention, and he grabbed the mobile device out of her hands. He discovered that she was texting another man. He started going through all of her texts. His voice started out low and he was swearing: “You mother f*ing b*tch!” As he scrolled through the texts, his voice got louder and louder until he was screaming at her. “YOU MOTHER F*CKING bytch!!! YOU MOTHER F*CKING bytch!!!”

The venue staffers looked at each other nervously , but no one else in the room seemed surprised by the outburst. No one moved to defend the third woman.

Apparently, they didn’t need to, because she jumped up and got in his face and started yelling and swearing right back at the man! She tried to grab the phone back from him, but he pushed her away and continued going through the phone and screaming at her, pushing her away, berating her, and started calling her every derogatory name for a woman in the book.

While it was shocking to the staffers that the two were going at each other so viciously, it was even more shocking to them that the two other women and the relatives and the personal assistants just sat there quietly the whole time, minding their own business through the screaming and the grabbing and the shoving! No one tried to shield the child/ren from what was going on, and no one tried to intervene in the fight. They have known the woman since she was single, and they have known her as part of a couple. The controlling behavior and the physical altercation and the swearing were all apparently just routine to them!

So, the next time you see this couple acting all sweet and loving and trusting and supportive and high class with each other in front of the cameras, know that it’s apparently a whole different story behind the scenes…

Man: Jay-Z

Third Woman: Beyoncé

The Other Two Women: Michelle Williams and Kelly Rowland

Tempers apparently flare rather easily in the Carter-Knowles family.

When we heard that Solange attacked Jay-Z in the elevator at the Met Ball last week, we were not at all surprised. The elevator event is completely consistent with what we already know about the Carter and Knowles families, and how they and the people around them handle conflict!

The fight described in this blind item took place in the green room during Superbowl XLVII at Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana on February 3, 2013.

Beyoncé was scheduled to perform at the Super Bowl XLVII halftime show, which featured a reunion with her fellow members from Destiny’s Child, Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams. The Baltimore Ravens defeated the San Francisco 49ers 34-31. But while the football teams were battling it out on the field, an even bigger battle was going on in Beyoncé’s dressing room.

They were all hanging out in the dressing room before the halftime show when the fight detailed in the original blind item occurred. Jay-Z was being controlling and Beyoncé fought back.

While the venue staffers were frozen with fear at Jay-Z screaming at his wife “YOU MOTHER F*CKING bytch!”, the bodyguards and Michelle and Kelly all seemed unaffected by the screaming, the swearing, and the physical altercation. It was as if this horrific behavior was so commonplace that they couldn’t even bother to look up from their phones. The venue staffers were also surprised that nobody attempted to remove Blue Ivy from the room while this was all going on.

At the Superbowl, tempers flared up very suddenly, there was screaming and yelling and name-calling and pushing and phone-grabbing. Everyone else around them was calm, and Beyoncé, Michelle, and Kelly went out and performed like nothing had ever happened.

At the Met Ball, tempers flared up very suddenly, and (although we can’t hear the audio) there was likely screaming and yelling and name-calling going on. We definitely saw the hitting and kicking and spitting. Again, everyone else around them was calm. The bodyguard just pulled Solange off of Jay-Z, and Beyonce just stood by, not getting involved at all. Then Jay-Z, Beyoncé, and Solange all went back to the Met Ball party as if nothing had ever happened.

When you look at both the Super Bowl and the Met Ball, this kind of shocking behavior is apparently routine for Jay-Z and his interactions with the Knowles women. Classy.


The Ruler 09

Jul 14, 2012
Does it really matter? Fighting in public is some hoodrat shyt that is a bad look for them. It's a lose-lose for Jay. Either people call him a punk for getting beat up or people call him a punk for defending himself.

Course it matters, if she'd just killed Jay's daughter you wouldn't expect such a tame response, if he's in the wrong or he's being tame out of respect that's what he had to do. He's not a punk for that, he did the right thing.