I play every game in my state. Also if you win a million dollars the press won't care because they want to find the winner of this big Powerball. You can claim anonymously right now just by hitting a few million.
I say get your money in there because they have stories about lottery work pools winning and everybody retires except the people who didn't play. One group in Ohio got sued by their hating co-workers who were jealous. Luckily they kept all the old lottery sign up sheets for years and had proof those bums never put in money.
Co-workers before they won:
Nah I will keep my money and save it not waste it.

God says gambling is a sin.

It's an idiot tax.

It's a tax on the poor.

It's a tax for people bad at math.
Co-workers after they won:
That's not very Christian of you not to share.

I was going to play you probably didn't hear me say, yes.
I can give you the dollar for the ticket now.

Ohio State University season tickets and Cleveland Browns season tickets would be a good investment and you can take me to the games.

My wife and kids are going to leave me for being too dumb not to play with you guys.

I will see you in court, you p*ssy.