So my current internship that started back in early June, and was supposed to end by August 14th , got extended until October 28th ( coworkers tried to get me a full time offer , but the director said he couldn't due to the economy at that moment lol).
The first phase was me mostly working on typescript and react , which I had a good experience and was able to finish my intern project.
For the 2nd phase , which started August 14th , I was to work only with Java, which is what my team works with . I also wasn't assigned a project this time, and would just be given tickets to work on like everybody else.
Honestly , I thought this 2nd phase would go even better than the 1st phase since I'm more familiar with Java but it's been the opposite.
I actually dread going to work now, because I just can't seem to understand the codebase and this company beginnings was as a start-up back in 2013 and a lot of the time-crunch code is still around.
Such as constructors with 20 arguments and files with 500 lines of code.
Right now , I'm working with Google protobuf and building expressions of off that.
But this company can't seem to spare the manpower to guide entry-level developers like myself. No pair-programing or anything similar.
For the past week and a half , at startup, I just been saying "still working on the same ticket " .
I probably won't be getting a return offer by the end of October unless September turns out to be perfect , and even though I like my coworkers, I don't know if I would like to continue working here.
I'll probably start applying for new roles in September, and now that I have almost 6 months of experience, it should be easier.