Bootcamps have flooded the bottom end of the market, so it's a lot harder to get in. Since there are so many new candidates, companies don't really want to spend time training them.
That's what really sucks about the programming market right now. They want several years of experience, but put it down as an 'entry level' position. How can it be entry level? It will take months of nonstop applying to get a new job. It took me 2 months of applying and I already had a year of experience in a new technology (Angular 2). If you're really serious about wanting a job in programming, these days you'll have to work for it. Keep applying nonstop and the biggest thing to do is to put up projects that people can look at. If you can't put up a website, create a game or whatever you are using your language for, create a youtube channel, then a blog and put up footage of your game. Also, point to the github. People really want to see what you've done. That's going to distinguish you from some guy coming out of coding camp.