Keep it up bruh. The process is put as many projects up as possible and spread to as many recruiters/openings as possible. Also getting your linked in out there is crucial. The shot gun approach is where it's at when starting out.
Do you have a degree? If so in what?Went to a couple meetups for the first time this last week and got a lot of employers interested.
I showed them my github and while it doesn't have any finished projects they were feature heavy and sitting around the 75% mark. They really didn't seem to mind because they were overall impressed by the coding style.
Hopefully I can land a job or two, they're really pushing for me right now. A few of them were even like "Are you sure you don't mind if we don't code in Functional Programming?"
Really appreciate all the help in this process coli fam.
Do you have a degree? If so in what?
No degree.
I just really made an emphasis in self-teaching myself the languages, the surrounding technology then familiarizing myself with it's domain, how it can be useful in those domains and where it'd fall short in others.
Then the emphasis is placed on writing clean, readable code (as much as I can at least) with them when I build my projects. Knowing the problems the language being and it's tech are trying to solve, it makes the task of learning and writing idiomatic code easier.
Not trying to make it sound like a cakewalk when I say "easy" because we all know it's not, it's a lot of work and the only way to really absorb it is getting experience with it. But people will recognize the skills have been built.
What languages are you proficient in? And what kind of projects have you completed and posted to your github? you mind linking to it? Just asking cuz I'm in the same boat as you being self taught with no degree and I'm trying to break into the industry.
I am really into elixir can you link some of these projects so I can check them outI'd say I'm pretty solid with Golang, Elixir, Haskell and Javascript. Been coding for about 2 years.
My projects:
I started with Golang and built a simple grade table with it and jQuery. Users can log in and change grades.
A RESTful API with Golang that used optional 3-legged OAuth authentication with a ReactJS/Redux client that used ImmutableJS and Web Audio API, it's pretty much a music app and users can play songs through Spotify on it and check the metadata about the song. JSON Web Tokens were used during the validation process.
A RESTFul API with Haskell that was a sports stats app. It made use of Functors, Applicatives and Monads, building my own data types and type classes for them. Pretty much queries to the API send back the stats about each team in certain situations compared to league average.
Chat app with Elixir/Phoenix and React/Redux that makes use of web sockets.
Blog site app with Elixir/Phoenix and React on the front end with pure GraphQL, no RESTful end points and used two GenServers to hit up multiple social media APIs at scheduled times.
No projects were finished 100%, except the Haskell one (which had no front end client) and the first Golang one with jQuery because it was pretty small. But most of them are sitting at 75% with the backends all complete, most of the nice features were finished and the only thing left was some design and basic client side features with React. Which is what I got a lot of interest for because everyone is trying to get me as a React developer.
On top of what everyone in this thread is saying about getting a job, I think if you can build a basic blog site you could probably at least apply somewhere.
I am really into elixir can you link some of these projects so I can check them out
defmodule MyApp.Application do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
import Supervisor.Spec
children = [
#...usual stuff
supervisor(MyApp.Social.Supervisor, []) # supervisor for all my social media GenServers
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor] # the usual defaults.
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
defmodule MyApp.Social.Supervisor do
use Supervisor
############ Supervisor API##############
def start_link do
Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__,[], name: __MODULE__) #This gets called from the Application.ex. This pretty much activates this Supervisor and will restart it on error.
def init(_) do
children = [
worker(MyApp.Social.Twitter, [], id: "tweets") #This calls the start_link function in the child GenServer.
supervise(children, strategy: :one_for_one) # again, practically defaults. but :simple_one_for_one maybe when you want to dynamically add workers.
defmodule MyApp.Social.Twitter do
use GenServer
##### Public API - The functions other modules can call####
def start_link do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__)
def pull_tweets(_args) do, :pull_tweets)
##### GenServer API - these functions are called based on the Public API ####
# init is automatically ran after start_link is called.
def init(_state) do
token = get_twitter_token() #some function I have for authentication.
tweets = get_new_tweets(token)
reschedule() ####this does the scheduling, we're just setting it on init.
{:ok, %{token: token, tweets: tweets}}
#the public function above pull_tweets sends the :pull_tweets message, this function pattern matches on it:
def handle_call(:pull_tweets, _from, state) do
tweets = state.tweets
{:reply, tweets, state} # tweets is the reply, state isn't being changed.
# sets new tweets every 30 minutes - pattern matches from message send by reschedule()
def handle_info(:reschedule, state) do
tweets = get_new_tweets(state.token)
reschedule() # Reschedule once more
{:noreply, %{token: state.token, stories: stories}}
### Helper functions
defp get_new_tweets(token) do
tweets = make_query_urls
|> make_tweet_requests(token) #starts async requests with Task.async on a list of query strings.
|> )) # runs Task.await to get responses from each Task.async and decodes the json.
defp make_query_urls() do
#...builds url query strings ...
return [list of query strings to search]
defp make_tweet_requests(query_urls, token) do
tasks =, fn query_url ->
Task.async(fn -> HTTPoison.get(query_url, headers) end)
# tasks is a list of requests started asynchronously.
#schedule set to get new tweets every 30 minutes
defp reschedule() do
Process.send_after(self(), :reschedule, 1 * 60 * 30000)
What problems are you having?Who else here uses Android Studio? Finally made my first project but that shyt is a pain in the ass.
What problems are you having?
You tried the typically steps?I'm pretty much finished with my app. Code is done. Design is done. But it crashes sometimes with the message "Unforuntately, MyApp has stopped."
Sounds like you have an uncaught exception or error. Look though the logs and see if you can see what's being thrown. But do what Renkz said first and clean then rebuild the project.I'm pretty much finished with my app. Code is done. Design is done. But it crashes sometimes with the message "Unforuntately, MyApp has stopped."
You tried the typically steps?
clean and rebuild project
restart your project