Movie is not worth a $30 (including soda/popcorn) trip to the theater, but it was fine for $6 on my big screen at home in real HD

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Movie is not worth a $30 (including soda/popcorn) trip to the theater, but it was fine for $6 on my big screen at home![]()
Does anyone want the link so you can download the movie?![]()
I don't want to see it because I got a shytload of 2014 flicks to check out no matter what but I do like what this means that they finally did a double release for the at home market with the theaters. It's LONG past due for that to blow up....EXACTLY.
I'm Paranoid enough like that to NOT Click anything that has to do with this Movie.
You all really want to see this or are you just doing it to Join In on The fukkery?
Told ya'll nikkas this whole controversy was a massive work![]()
and I told ya'll netflix should have bought the rights to this film. now they fukked around and let google come in and scoop the movie and ride it's already massive publicity all the way to the bank.
I'm already grabbing this joint off the torrents.
Is it downloading fast for you?
The one good thing about this...a major release coming out at the movies and on Youtube/Google Play at the same time. If this would of happened when Taken came out, would of been a HUGE from both the home viewers and the theater attendees.
Does anyone want the link so you can download the movie?![]()
Movie is not worth a $30 (including soda/popcorn) trip to the theater, but it was fine for $6 on my big screen at home![]()
man, I"m a HUGE propenent of these streaming services getting first run theatrical releases. it's so convenient.