I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!
Don’t worry if they make games.. they write checks.
for development studios and then never put out games . so keep writing checks for nothing i guess
Don’t worry if they make games.. they write checks.
Like rare enjoy sea of theives brehsfor development studios and then never put out games . so keep writing checks for nothing i guess
That's what I'm saying lol. The only AAA games on the service are old ass games.
But the bots keep pushing this complete lie that there are AAA games launching on Game Pass on day one, when in reality the only shyt that's launching on Game Pass is shyt that looks like it came on a disc in a cereal box...
I.E a plagues talesWe have already seen 3rd party AAA games launch on gamepass.
Established franchises probably won’t. But new/unproven games and concepts can and do benefit from launching on gamepass.
Plague Tale is not a AAA game lmao