Call Mr. A now breh.Why would I be mad for? I have an A rating, and this is on wifi with my piece of shyt laptop that cant handle youtube vids: first try.
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Playing online and not having to worry about lag lol I play on wifi with my xbox too, and I have never had problems with lag on halo 4...gears of war one on the other hand
On a serious note, even if you have the best internet as far as how much you pay it can still suck if you are in a bad location idk why, but my homie had the 50 Mbps $100 internet, and he always had connection problems, cuz he was in the hood maybe idk, but something about something I forgot, but yeah its not always about how fast it is, also, your router can play a part in it
Still at your B Ima call you mr B from now on
Ping Wars?