We can read and understand the social situations in Bolivia, Brazil, etc... that's all good... but we need to understand that each of those nations have unique, but similar histories... They focus on their issues first... focus on the diaspora second.
I agree that we have a duty. We have the most ability. However, mentally.... we have this post below.... so the global effects of mental brainwashing for our diaspora has it's own checks and balances to keep things 'in line'.Very good post I just wanted to comment on this particular part. Based on what I've researched, contrary to posters who try to paint all of Latin America with the Dominican brush, alot of Black people in Latin America do in fact identity with the greater African diaspora. Hell most of em are using the African American experience as their own blueprint for better standard of living, more social mobility, greater access to education, etc. We sometimes fail to remember all the letters of support from student groups internationally that gave us greater visibility in this country. Despite all the bs that comes from living here we're still in a position of priviledge relative to many Black people living in other countries in this side of the world, and one could say we have a duty to help them too.
Latin America slaves were expected to grow their own food and care for themselves.
On the surface this seems worse, but the dependency on the master instilled in American slaves did far more damage long term.
I think you guys are comparing physical hardships, when its the mental and social implications that run deeper.
Latin America slaves were expected to grow their own food and care for themselves.
Jamaican plantations made more for the british empire than the whole of South America, the Carribbean and North America combined. And you know how tiny Jamaica is
Plus considering how much limelight is put on slavery in America, please inform us about how much you know about slavery in Suriname, Trinidad, Peru etc... no? I rest my case
LMAOOOOO so you think us brought to Jamaica were allowed to keep our culture? you think I don't have a slave masters name
you do realise the majority of sugar plantations where in the Carribbean and South America right? hence why the most slaves were sent there right.
In all intellectual honesty do you honestly believe what you're saying in this post?
I'm not sure where you gathered this misinformation from, but splitting up of families was a common slave practive all over the new world.
Blacks were objects in all the slave colonies hombre, in the carribbean n south america where the main focus on production was, slaves were worked harder and more fiercly.
No, this is a worldwide thing. I know Many Jamaicans who think slavery only happened in America, even in brazil the black people there don't class themselves as african because they've never heard of the slave trade.
I have to say, these responses did surprise me. In hindsight I can't look down upon others for not being as knowledgeable on the subject as myself, but some of these posts were damn right ignorant.
Colored on colored slavery is never going to be looked at in the same light. There isnt the same racial tension and resentment.
Its simply a power issue at that point.
Comparing that to "the land of the free" where you weren't free based purely on your skin pigment... you're talking apples and oranges.
The racial tension that still exist in this country towards blacks is almost non existent in Jamaica. You're missing the point.
Take it from someone who lived in JA for 8years
My sig rings true every day
Judging by the responses itt, it has made me draw another conclusion on this matter.
You see how we are "First world negroes", in comparison with all our brothers around the globe we're in the elite. i.e. education wise, living standards etc etc
So we possess the power, and the tools to establish unity of Africans worldwide
But this notion of we had it hard (the hardest) etc, has been planted inside us to invoke the discredit of our brothers worldwide, to further remove us from unity.
And it seems like its worked
Blacks were in South America and Mexico even California wayy before slavery.
Goes to show how powerful they were in making us subhhuman and non factor in the world.
I just wish they admit the shyt (Slavers) because their ancestors admitted it.