So why do you guys think so much focus is put on Slavery in the USA


Jun 26, 2013
First of ALOT of people misinterpretated the thread, secondly you guys sound misinformed like a mf

Because the US was built on slavery. It's economic and entire social structure was built on slavery. And its residual affects are still obviously present to this day. :yeshrug:

Are you insane, the exact same points you make apply to the whole entire western world. :comeon:

One worst forms of slavery in History of recorded man.
White People been ahead because of slavery and won't admit it. (Majority of these fortune 500 companies riches come from slavery)
History of the people taken captive had been destroyed or rewritten to make them sub human.

Can't believe this is a real thread.

Did you under my question? or you just believe the only victims of the African Diaspora are from the USA? :usure:

It makes African American history all the more incredible imo. We shouldn't even still be here. It's true Brazil received 40% of Africans transported to the new world. How many people know more Africans were bought to Mexico and Peru, than the US? But you never hear about Black people there do you.

exactly my point, why? whats the big agenda behind this?

Plus the mentality that came from the Atlantic slavery and years after - is still with us today.

This is a thread because, while I agree with OPs core points; he has a vendetta against Muslims so he feels that the focus should be on that slavery instead (at least that what he said in another thread).

Please go on to tell me how I feel :leon:

Because it was more inhumane in the US than anywhere else during that time.

Only in America were blacks regarded as not real people.

Says who? your 9th grade teacher? Jamaican plantations made more for the british empire than the whole of South America, the Carribbean and North America combined. :usure: And you know how tiny Jamaica is

Plus considering how much limelight is put on slavery in America, please inform us about how much you know about slavery in Suriname, Trinidad, Peru etc... no? I rest my case

Th spoiler has gotta be trolling, cant even reply to that

only in US they denied us education,split up the family,did all kind of crazy sick shyt white people already like to do

seem like after a while the other countries that had slaves let up... but in the US nope they still got treated the worst AND our culture erased

LMAOOOOO so you think us brought to Jamaica were allowed to keep our culture? you think I don't have a slave masters name :usure:

you do realise the majority of sugar plantations where in the Carribbean and South America right? hence why the most slaves were sent there right.

In all intellectual honesty do you honestly believe what you're saying in this post?

The big one there is the splitting up of the family. Even in South America was slavery was prevalent, blacks were allowed to marry and remain with their spouses.

Also writing that blacks are not people but property into the constitution is pretty hard to beat.:wow:

I'm not sure where you gathered this misinformation from, but splitting up of families was a common slave practive all over the new world.

Blacks were objects in all the slave colonies hombre, in the carribbean n south america where the main focus on production was, slaves were worked harder and more fiercly.

you want to know why people that live in the USA focus on slavery in the USA?

No, this is a worldwide thing. I know Many Jamaicans who think slavery only happened in America, even in brazil the black people there don't class themselves as african because they've never heard of the slave trade.


I have to say, these responses did surprise me. In hindsight I can't look down upon others for not being as knowledgeable on the subject as myself, but some of these posts were damn right ignorant.


This my city
May 9, 2012
Lemongrass, cherries, alkaline water
exactly my point, why? whats the big agenda behind this?

I cant even pretend to have an answer to this question. I do agree that there's alot of misinformation in here and alot of you need to read up on the history of slavery in other countries in the Western world and perhaps Black people in those countries in general. Blacks in Bolivia for example, their presence precedes our own in America by a number of years, yet they weren't even acknowledged by their government as an official ethnic group until 6 years ago. This is after being in the country as slaves and shedding blood for them in war for over 500 years. I dont think the point is to trivialize anyones struggle by putting one above the other but understand we are all fighting the same fight to some degree regardless of nationality.

cleanface coney

May 26, 2012
First of ALOT of people misinterpretated the thread, secondly you guys sound misinformed like a mf

Are you insane, the exact same points you make apply to the whole entire western world. :comeon:

Did you under my question? or you just believe the only victims of the African Diaspora are from the USA? :usure:

exactly my point, why? whats the big agenda behind this?

Please go on to tell me how I feel :leon:

Says who? your 9th grade teacher? Jamaican plantations made more for the british empire than the whole of South America, the Carribbean and North America combined. :usure: And you know how tiny Jamaica is

Plus considering how much limelight is put on slavery in America, please inform us about how much you know about slavery in Suriname, Trinidad, Peru etc... no? I rest my case

Th spoiler has gotta be trolling, cant even reply to that

LMAOOOOO so you think us brought to Jamaica were allowed to keep our culture? you think I don't have a slave masters name :usure:

you do realise the majority of sugar plantations where in the Carribbean and South America right? hence why the most slaves were sent there right.

In all intellectual honesty do you honestly believe what you're saying in this post?

I'm not sure where you gathered this misinformation from, but splitting up of families was a common slave practive all over the new world.

Blacks were objects in all the slave colonies hombre, in the carribbean n south america where the main focus on production was, slaves were worked harder and more fiercly.

No, this is a worldwide thing. I know Many Jamaicans who think slavery only happened in America, even in brazil the black people there don't class themselves as african because they've never heard of the slave trade.


I have to say, these responses did surprise me. In hindsight we're all at different levels of knowledge of our peoples. But some of these posts were damn right ignorant

yes because i didnt say this is where most of the blacks were sent

i said they were treated the worse here and denied alot of shyt blacks in other parts were not up until a certain period

and yes every black person that ive met not from america and not from africa has some type of understanding or cultural norm that was passed down to them

we do to, but it was mostly created here in america


Jun 26, 2013
How bout we just one star your shyt and keep it moving then? :yeshrug:

PS: You spelled "a lot" wrong, dumbass.

Peep the last sentence of that post, I mean no disrespect at all so don't take it as me throwing shade.

We can all mature and grow as Pan Africanists together, developing this "fukk this righteous blackman" mentality is counter productive to our aims.

Coz I'm sure we all want the same for Africa and its children.

I cant even pretend to have an answer to this question. I do agree that there's alot of misinformation in here and alot of you need to read up on the history of slavery in other countries in the Western world and perhaps Black people in those countries in general. Blacks in Bolivia for example, their presence precedes our own in America by a number of years, yet they weren't even acknowledged by their government as an official ethnic group until 6 years ago. This is after being in the country as slaves and shedding blood for them in war for over 500 years. I dont think the point is to trivialize anyones struggle by putting one above the other but understand we are all fighting the same fight to some degree regardless of nationality.


YES YES YES someone understands



Jun 26, 2013
yes because i didnt say this is where most of the blacks were sent

i said they were treated the worse here and denied alot of shyt blacks in other parts were not up until a certain period

and yes every black person that ive met not from america and not from africa has some type of understanding or cultural norm that was passed down to them

we do to, but it was mostly created here in america

The best advice I can give you is to read up about slavery in south america/ carribbean because you honestly couldn't be more wrong.
Jul 26, 2012
Peep the last sentence of that post, I mean no disrespect at all so don't take it as me throwing shade.

We can all mature and grow as Pan Africanists together, developing this "fukk this righteous blackman" mentality is counter productive to our aims.

Coz I'm sure we all want the same for Africa and its children.


YES YES YES someone understands


Are you asserting that we spend too much time wallowing in the past when historically, our struggles are no different than other displaced Africans across the globe?


Jun 26, 2013
wrong aboout what?

cultural norms being passed down, the denial of rights etc These are mainly general misconceptions

I can only lead the horse to the water though.

I'm all about my people, so trust me when I say I wouldn't be wasting my time lying to you.

I don't wanna make you a believer I wanna ignite your ability to think


Jun 26, 2013
Are you asserting that we spend too much time wallowing in the past when historically, our struggles are no different than other displaced Africans across the globe?

Minus "wallowing in the past" :salute:

Imo our main downfall is we don't focus enough on the past, thats why we don't know where we going. The past is the greatest predictor of the future.

I believe the knowledge will set us free

cleanface coney

May 26, 2012
cultural norms being passed down, the denial of rights etc These are mainly general misconceptions

I can only lead the horse to the water though.

I'm all about my people, so trust me when I say I wouldn't be wasting my time lying to you.

I don't wanna make you a believer I wanna ignite your ability to think

cant hate on that but can you drop some shyt to look into


Jun 4, 2012
Please go on to tell me how I feel :leon:

There aren't really too many pro black posters on here. Most posters are either teenage black dudes, cac, whites pretending to be black, guys pretending to be women, asian, or c00ns. And the majority of the board is black guys who really could care less about pro black shyt.

So you shouldn't overly defensive or confrontational with the pro black posters who are on here... even when I disagree with points, I don't acted retarded about it.

1. This is the USA. the reason we focus on this history and the details of each effect on our direct ancestors - is because those things still affect us. Also the forces that oppressed us then are the same Exact ones doing it now.

2. We can read and understand the social situations in Bolivia, Brazil, etc... that's all good... but we need to understand that each of those nations have unique, but similar histories... They focus on their issues first... focus on the diaspora second. When we are united and not brainwashed as a people - then we can focus on the larger African picture. You can't throw a fist with your fingers spread open - you will break your fingers fam. We can't start hitting that pan african punching bag when we barely can slap shyt.

3. You are in denial if you can't see that certain South American nations were looser on killing African traditions than the US. In the US the MIND was wiped Clean. In some other places it was close to that,,, but Most Brazilians and whatever other nation you can throw out there would be offended that you are saying they didn't get to keep nothing. For some of those people- part of their pro blackness is rooted in the fact that they kept certain parts of their identity, dance, culture, music, and traditions. The US slaves barely kept anything. And ALSO - black families for a fact were split up and destroyed more in the North American plantations. I shouldn't have to explain to you why this is important..

4. The US has been the wealthiest most powerful nation on Earth. IT would take to long to give you a class on social economic impacts on mentality and racial tension... but lets just say that racism might be rooted in color.. but money effects some of those things. The fukkery that happens in a nation were everyone is poor is a different type of fukkery, unfairness, oppression, and stigmatization that occurs in a nation that is Wealthy and Powerful. Also in a nation that controls the media and entertainment on Earth. The US is the very Best At oppression and propaganda of brown and black people on Earth. We happen to live at the bottom of this society (as a whole ) . However, we are American born so we (the masses of us) believe that we are Americans and we are less motivated, over saturated, and manipulated more so than peoples of other nations. Our fire has been put out over and over again. WE are the house negro, and all these other black people are essentially the field Negros. So yeah we can post online about this shyt, and talk about revolution- but we have the most to lose and are the most likely to be intentional c00ns. From birth we are fed so much US BullS that even the conscious amongst us are fighting these demons. This is all by design. NTM all the BS that has happened in the last 200 years directly to our family members here in the US

This is why we talk about the Atlantic to US slavery... we're talking about ourselves fam.


Jun 26, 2013
cant hate on that but can you drop some shyt to look into

I've recently had my laptop wiped (don't even ask lol) So I've lost EVERYTHING I had on a database, including my research journals, articles etc. But later I'll try drop some books etc off the top of my head

for the meantime

I was actually watching this earlier, the information in this isn't bad at all. They highlighted some aspects I never thought would make it to film.

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