The problem is the Republicans went too far right, too extreme. Look at Chris Christie in Jersey, his state was ravaged by Hurricane Sandy, he worked hand in hand with Obama, and applauded the job Obama did handling the Hurricane. In turn his base called him a traitor and he was hurting his party. One poster here said he works with several republicans and they all said Christie is now dead to them. As long a large section of the Republican party has this mind set it will have a hard time adjusting to the times because so many will continue to fight it tooth and nail. On the local scene I don't think it will hurt them much or as much as some think but on the national scene it will be very difficult for them to push their candidate. The base won't fully get behind a right leaning moderate and the voters that are moderates and and left leaning will unfortunately lump anyone coming out of the Republican party with the extreme right loons.