So whats the downside of living life on easy mode? (No kids/ no small kids)

Marco Zen

Black Privilege
Sep 7, 2013
The Other A
Living life where all your money goes to you. Know little fukkers to feed, buy clothes for, pay for daycare, pay child support, yell at all day, help with homework, give "life lessons", cuss out, cook for, carry carseats for, make sure the little b*stards are buckled up every time you get in your car, make sure they dont stray within a 10ft radius when out in public, sign up for school sports, buying expensive ass equipment, buying expensive laptops for school, buying expensive ass shoes so they don't get clowned everyday at school...

None of that...

(Edit) also includes having grown up kids with Jobs of their own

Just work for YOURSELF. Get paid for YOURSELF. Cook for YOURSELF. Buy shyt for YOURSELF. Ain't gotta explain shyt to nobody.

What's the downside?
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All Star
Apr 19, 2017
I don't have kids so I guess I can't really answer...but looking at it I would guess it's about legacy. If you don't care about legacy or your legacy is related to your work (business, arts, sports, etc.) you could probably live a long time without ever caring about kids.

From what I've seen, eventually people who don't have a defined legacy they're building look up from the daily grind/splurge and wonder what proof will remain that they ever existed. They'll have all the mid-life crisis type questions about their purpose in life and all that.

You have to keep in mind the average person will eventually reach a point of stagnation in their life. The average person is very repetitive. They work a regular job, clock in and out every day, hardly take vacations, eat at the same fast food spots, do the same thing on the weekends, etc.

Children give certain people a purpose when their lives feel otherwise stagnated and fulfill any questions they have about their legacy.


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
I'm child free and plan to be my entire life got a vasectomy.

A few cons.

Some women see it as a red flag to be a certain age and not have at least 1 or two kids usually these are single moms. If you're good-looking to them they'll assume you're a homosexual or on the DL or atleast that's what they got to tell themselves that to be comfortable with your decision. If you're ugly they'll feel sorry for you a little bit cuz in their mind you're too ugly to even get a woman.

Most of your childhood friends will be more invested in spending time with their wife and children. I know some wives even encourage their husbands not to hang out with their single guy friends any longer. Like a slave hanging out with freemen.

Older people in your family usually the religious ones will demonize you for not having kids. I know I got called selfish once. Because obviously what this world needs is more nikkas on it.

If you decide to get a vasectomy some people will view you as a player.

Single moms and old nikkas will low key hate on your decision to be single and child free.

If you want to get married later you might have trouble finding a woman who also wants to be childfree.

Living life where all your money goes to you. Know little fukkers to feed, buy clothes for, pay for daycare, pay child support, yell at all day, help with homework, give "life lessons", cuss out, cook for, carry carseats for, make sure the little b*stards are buckled up every time you get in your car, make sure they dont stray within a 10ft radius when out in public, sign up for school sports, buying expensive ass equipment, buying expensive laptops for school, buying expensive ass shoes so they don't get clowned everyday at school...

None of that...

Just work for YOURSELF. Get paid for YOURSELF. Cook for YOURSELF. Buy shyt for YOURSELF. Ain't gotta explain shyt to nobody.

What's the downside?


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Living life where all your money goes to you. Know little fukkers to feed, buy clothes for, pay for daycare, pay child support, yell at all day, help with homework, give "life lessons", cuss out, cook for, carry carseats for, make sure the little b*stards are buckled up every time you get in your car, make sure they dont stray within a 10ft radius when out in public, sign up for school sports, buying expensive ass equipment, buying expensive laptops for school, buying expensive ass shoes so they don't get clowned everyday at school...

None of that...

Just work for YOURSELF. Get paid for YOURSELF. Cook for YOURSELF. Buy shyt for YOURSELF. Ain't gotta explain shyt to nobody.

What's the downside?
Die by yourself, most likely sooner than you should.