the US is losing cause there is no such thing as america anymore. the ppl on tv dont represent the ppl. they're paid millions of dollars and don't relate to the ppl. if they did they'd be outraged by what's going on. if they did like the direction glen beck was headed they're considered to be jeopardizing national security.
we're busy watching football, playing grand theft auto, watching american idol, love & hiphop, going to the clubs thinking everything's fine.
this govt shut down should've been a cue to set things off... be honest, there's never been a US where the citizens are fully involved in what the government/CEOs are doing. There's always been exposures and scandals but never been any tangible changes so all the technological era has provided is a new way to avoid reality.
America's a business. It always has been. It's not a "government" the way one thinks of a government.
If you have a shytty job, look around you right now. Nobody overthrows their boss(es). They either get fired or quit.
We're all employees of America. And deep down, we know it.
are you whiteUnemployment rising to 20%.
are you white
under my feet.Nikka are you?
under my feet.
unemployment is over 20%. you've just been seduced by the media and made up govt statistics to distract you from what's really going on.