Is this real I thought they just had a lockout a couple of years ago?0
Is this real I thought they just had a lockout a couple of years ago?0
MLS bout to be the 4th sport in the US
this, the product is unbearable and the gulf between the handful of stars and the rest of the league is ridiculous.There is no middle ground, you are either one of the few elite or average/below average.This past season was putrid, I cant recall one standout feat other than iginla's milestone. Scoring has regressed back to what it was in the deadpuck era (maybe worse) And fans/pundits seem to have adopted this culture of raising the alarm over anything resembling physical contactMan the NHL as a whole as , especially after that lockout they had a few years ago
Easy obi1, as bad as NhL is MLB will never supplant it from an entertainment standpoint......EVER!!!NFL/Baseball/NBA >>>>>>>>