I mean A-Rod hasn't given them much choice. Yeah he got 4 hits off Verlander this season. But that was during the regular season. Dude is a different animal come playoff time. The main thing is how A-Rod has looked in his at bats more so than the numbers. He hasn't had any "loud outs", can barely make contact, and looks completely overwhelmed. And the way Verlander dealt against the A's, who were a hot ball club, it's not really a recipe for success. That being said, I still want to see him out there. Either you come through and prove everybody wrong, or you continue to be exposed as the

shell of yourself that everyone is saying you are.

I got no words for Cano. Simply put he's just

right now. We all have our fingers crossed hoping he'll snap out of it, but so far it's been absolutely nothing. It has to be something mental with that guy.