That was weak. Try again fakkit.
lol at "
WE had a crazy discussion today...."
nah u chump ass nikka,
THEY had a discussion today............while u took mental notes.
You've made it clear by the amount of time you spent on that opening post and the excitement we can tell you wrote it with that you felt strongly about what was being discussed in that class. You've also made it clear the asian and white bytches in that class had more balls then you.
You've made it clear that you had something that you wanted to say but didnt............
Plus its seems that none of your class mates had any expectation of you opening your mouth because you never do anyone. You just sit there like the bytch you are every other day so they expected no different this day.
thanks for making it clear that youre a typical forum fakkit........ Alot of disrespectful shyt to say online but nada in real life.
Do us all a favor next time.............instead of sitting there twirling your pencil and making stupid expressions while everyone else was talking.........use the microphone record feature on that smartphone u call a voice. Let us come to our own conclusions on what the others were saying without your simple ass breakdown.