So being a follower in UFOs in my younger years... These are descriptions from military officials of the beings piloting from what they seen.
One UFO encounter in the 50s military dude on his dying bed said that when it got close he could see a being that resemble cephalopods (The one he seen said it was stringy)
Norman Van Bregun Lockheed dude said that they were black tall humanoids
Betty and Barney Hill stated that they were Olive skinned with large eyes but short like 4ft and some change
Zimbabwe kids stated short skinny black skinned with dreads
Roswell NM witnesses stated big eyes and grey skinned
I don't know where White skinned and Reptilians started from
Reptilians didn’t really start to appear in experiencers accounts until David Icke. Icke is a strange guy, but I think he’s genuine. I’m not saying he’s right, but I don’t think he’s purposely telling lies.
White-skinned are referred to as Nordics. They popped up in the 60s after George Adamski discussed them.
The other two main groups are Mantis and Greys. Mantis aliens are praying mantis like creatures who are said to be in leadership roles, when they rely on the greys to do the manual stuff. The Greys are thought to be “biological” robots. Supposedly they don’t have a “soul” and they might have a hive mind. They are a worker or slave class.
Reptilians are said to come from two places. The Draco constellation and/or below ground on earth. Some experiencers have said the reptilians’ home is Earth, and that we share the globe with them. Some sort of situation occurred, and they couldn’t live on the surface anymore, so they went underground.
Reptilians are said to have mixed motivations. Some say they are evil, trying to take over Earth. They feel they are the most advanced creatures anywhere. They say this because the haven’t “evolved” in hundreds of thousands of years. They interpret this as they have evolved to the highest level, and there is nothing more that could be improved. They have this superiority complex, and see other beings as less than them.
I’ve read elsewhere that they may be employed by the Mantis beings to help perform experiments or provide security.
Take whatever you want from above. I don’t necessarily believe everything I presented, but it is what I’ve come across in my many years of exploring ufology.
I didn't know dude was a scammer
He’s not. Wikileaks released emails which showed genuine email conversations between Harry Reid and Delong. Also, we see him talking with Robert Bigalow, who is not a scammer either (regardless of what some biased people are saying in this thread). He runs space operations involved with shelters on different planets. He funded NIDS, where many genuine experiments were conducted to try and understand parapsychological experiences. He employed many very well known and respected scientists. Look up Harold Putoff.
And disregarding Delong because he is a rock star is not relevant at all to the discussion. People can be more than one thing. Ronald Regan was an actor when he was younger, yet he became president of the US. Many of the founding fathers wore many different hats too. While I dislike Trump, he was a reality tv star and became President. Tom Delong being a rock star is not relevant at all. Bringing up that is just an ad hominem attack (basically a fallacy)