will not support this trash.
The last part of your post is 100% spot on!the first 2 are the only 2 that matter
from the perfecto leather jacket to the nike terminators
the tiger camo bdu over the public enemy t-shirt that fukking dirt bike
the blacked out tactical gear
there was an aesthetic and texture to those films that help make them what they were
for fukksakes focus on making new classics for our own generation instead all these rehashes and remakes*
clap for emWord
Everything outside of the opening base attack was basura. Promoted as a "War Movie" but it's actually about Jai Courtney's stunt double Sam Worthington traveling around for some reason or another.
Barely any sort of story or goal. Watered down Terminators that throw you around instead of terminating you, Optimus-Priminators, Anacondanators, Motorbikenators uninspired and generic. Christian Bale hamming it up and being as lifeless as Worthington. Aesthetic and landscape was all wrong, it looked like a Mad Max film and nothing like the future they showed in T1-T3. Even the people who wrote Rise of the Machines knew that the war was fought in the night not the day and used the blue tint in the scenes. Whole thing was pointless and a waste of time.
Wait what?
Are they starting over completely? Those promo shots look awful. They ruined this franchise a long time ago IMO even though Salvation was decent.