So this is what’s happening to historically black cities?


The black man is always targeted.
Apr 8, 2017
This happened in my family's hometown of Compton. It is now an overwhelmingly Hispanic, specifically Mexican city. Black people don't own anything apart from a few families who managed to keep their homes. Instead Mexicans own most of the property and houses in 2022, the same property that used to be owned by black people. Add in the intentional dilapidation of the city by the crack epidemic, the following gang epidemic, city corruption/embezzlement on the highest levels, and the 2008 financial crash and you have a perfect storm for this BS.

Latinos have always been anti-black and played in the shadows allowing them to come together and mobilize politically for their causes and buy blocks while avoiding taxes. They soon will take the corrupt black city council away and it will be their city for good. That city is a perfect tale of how shyt was stolen from us.


Feb 16, 2017
To provide additional context. the DMV is way different from New York where Puerto Ricans have always lived with Black people to the point you got people running around named Tyrone Jimenez and Shanqua Gomez (two real people that I knew) Salvadorans moved to Mt. Pleasent in DC and in the Virginia suburbs to go do odd jobs for white people. Back in the day in DC and PG county you'd hardly ever see a non Black person other than a cop for weeks.

So Mexicans and other Latin americans are moving to PG to carve out their own communities there on purpose. Because even if you lived near Mt. Pleasant back in the day Blacks and Salvadoreans didn't hang out. There was one area in PG where they did live in Riverdale agan MS-13 was a real problem there but it didn't matter because not many ADOS black people lived in Riverdale.

Amo Husserl

May 24, 2022
This happened in my family's hometown of Compton. It is now an overwhelmingly Hispanic, specifically Mexican city. Black people don't own anything apart from a few families who managed to keep their homes. Instead Mexicans own most of the property and houses in 2022, the same property that used to be owned by black people. Add in the intentional dilapidation of the city by the crack epidemic, the following gang epidemic, city corruption/embezzlement on the highest levels, and the 2008 financial crash and you have a perfect storm for this BS.

Latinos have always been anti-black and played in the shadows allowing them to come together and mobilize politically for their causes and buy blocks while avoiding taxes. They soon will take the corrupt black city council away and it will be their city for good. That city is a perfect tale of how shyt was stolen from us.
You had families that sold their homes and left the area or the children of those families sell the family home to cash in. This is what happens when ownership is not instilled in the next generation and they're not taught how to get and hold something for themselves and capitalize on it. We keep working against capitalism instead of working with it to benefit us. Combine that with not cutting enough of our own grass, these people have eyes and feet on the block and this is the result. I was putting a team together offering to cut grass for black people on my side of town and a majority of the black people didn't want it even when I offered to do it for less. Another problem is numbers. Are we having enough genuine black children among all of us that we can compete in the future on numbers alone? Unless we start separating ourselves from them and take control of the property, politics and jobs in ours areas and keeping up with the economy, we'll always lose what we have. We need to play for keeps.

The Gentleman

Always a Gentleman!
Sep 15, 2019
Being a Gentleman
This happened in my family's hometown of Compton. It is now an overwhelmingly Hispanic, specifically Mexican city. Black people don't own anything apart from a few families who managed to keep their homes. Instead Mexicans own most of the property and houses in 2022, the same property that used to be owned by black people. Add in the intentional dilapidation of the city by the crack epidemic, the following gang epidemic, city corruption/embezzlement on the highest levels, and the 2008 financial crash and you have a perfect storm for this BS.

Latinos have always been anti-black and played in the shadows allowing them to come together and mobilize politically for their causes and buy blocks while avoiding taxes. They soon will take the corrupt black city council away and it will be their city for good. That city is a perfect tale of how shyt was stolen from us.

Damn. One of my partners from LA made the point to me that anywhere you find blacks and Latinos living together is always worse than if you have either one or the other.

  • Camden NJ
  • The South Bronx
  • Compton
As I think about it he has me agreeing with him.

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
You had families that sold their homes and left the area or the children of those families sell the family home to cash in. This is what happens when ownership is not instilled in the next generation and they're not taught how to get and hold something for themselves and capitalize on it. We keep working against capitalism instead of working with it to benefit us. Combine that with not cutting enough of our own grass, these people have eyes and feet on the block and this is the result. I was putting a team together offering to cut grass for black people on my side of town and a majority of the black people didn't want it even when I offered to do it for less. Another problem is numbers. Are we having enough genuine black children among all of us that we can compete in the future on numbers alone? Unless we start separating ourselves from them and take control of the property, politics and jobs in ours areas and keeping up with the economy, we'll always lose what we have. We need to play for keeps.
Also add in the break down of the Black family


Feb 21, 2015
I have a question.

If we can have, in theory, a perfect integrated community, perfect in every dynamic or a perfect black community, also perfect in every dynamic, what would be the benefit of opting for the latter?

Satsui no Hadou

Mar 11, 2022
Be scared of one guy with the lawnmower :mjlol:

I mean, my experiences are quite different considering I’m from south Texas. But gentrification and the strong arming of black and brown communities by capital and bureaucrats has really done a number.

I’ve mentioned it before, but in my old neighborhood it was historically mexican(there’s a ballroom close by that’s a designated historic site and was one of the first places to integrate during segregation) and that’s all I knew. But because of the oil and gas refineries and soaring housing costs, more and more black people are being kicked out of traditionally black areas for new condos and parking lots. It’s pretty fukked up.

That said, the southwest was once Mexico too, and I think it’s pretty unfair to tell me to pack my bags when my family has been settled here for generations. That’s a white solution that only promotes homogeneity, which is disadvantageous to minorities. The moment you start to talk and think like them is the moment you lose.