"Your book asks slaves to be good slaves"? Hmmm. I'm not sure where you are getting this stuff from.
You do understand that slavery existed before Islam correct? And once Islam came it moderated and eventually helped to abolish it. Freeing slaves is called a virtuous act throughout "my book".
Furthermore, as I also tried to explain, but based on your other responses, I doubt you saw, slavery was not what you have been trained to think about slavery. We're not talking about chattel slavery. Slavery in Islam was a lot like capitalism today. The only difference is you don't consider yourself a slave.
I can't believe this is a former military man I am teaching this to. Were you "free" in the marines? Are you "free" at your current job? Most of us work for someone else and they give us a percentage of what we make for them. Calling it a job sounds nice, but let's be honest, most of us are slaves in this economy.