Super TD Jakes
she doesn't. but I i don't see the problem. i only want what's best for my son. if she can handle it, then i'm not opposed to him staying with her and paying child support. not at all. i just don't want my son to have to suffer just because we couldn't stay married. it's not fair to him. all i'm saying is that he can stay with me until she gets everything together. then he can go with her. am i missing something? what did i say that was unreasonable?
u didn't say anything unreasonable at believe if her situation was right, she'd try to take the kids from you...that's why she's actin' like that because she's not in a position to do so...dealin' with a similar situation goin' to a parent teacher conference for my daughter, she might have to come back to live with me, i had her the first four years of her life, she's 7 now and not doing good in school for the second straight year, on my watch that shyt wouldn't be happening, back to you now you bein' very reasonable with her, don't let your emotions get in the way, just handle your business and keep pushing for a win win and if you can't get a win win, then its no deal!