wait wait wait. how do you know they gave nothing in return?
no one has explained this yet. see its one thing to say something its another to prove it. prove what you say is true and i'll believe it. cause we all know their are shady people in all walks of life. but dont just say stuff to jump in on a thread and not have any proof.
You want to see a church do something for the black community? fine here it is.
Mega pastors have become easy targets for opponents who question their financial worth in leading and managing multimillion dollar corporations, albeit, a church. Some Super Mega pastors have
personal annual incomes that exceed a million dollars ($1,000,000). Bishop Blake's salary is approximated at $227,750, which is below his corporate counterparts. As the leader of West Angeles, Presiding Bishop of COGIC and CEO of
Save Africas Children, Blake works over 80 hours most weeks, including preaching two to three services every Sunday. He receives no compensation for his work with
Save Africa's Children.
Blake explained that for many years he was grossly underpaid, nevertheless, he and "Lady Mae" worked tirelessly because of their love for God, the church and the community
. "More than once I've contributed an entire salary back to the church. As one expected to lead in the giving, whatever the pastor receives, sometimes, a greater portion of it goes back into the church" he declared. In fact, it was only after a bank'stipulation that required Blake to remain as pastor of West Angles during the life of the loan, did Blake receive a significant raise. A CPA firm was retained to valuate an equitable compensation package for an executive with Blake attributes and responsibilities. Consequently, in 2001,
Blake accepted a package that was still 1/3 less than was recommended. According to his son, Elder Charles Blake Jr., most years, despite the enormous wealth and generous spirit of some of the members, Bishop Blake is the leading financial contributor to West Angeles. "In order to be credible, the pastor needs to lead the congregation in contributing and thus, must himself be on the frontline and cutting edge in giving."
^^PROOF that all black churches aint out to get your money for their own profit. I've seen this first hand. This church has a school right across the street from the church. not some little itty bitty school either.
F.A.M.E. another church that has had some shady pastors come thru in L.A. who did get caught stealing money. Even that church has done a lot for the black community. I would know. i lived there. i knew people who used their services. once i went down there for a summer job. they had the hook up for summer youth jobs that were real jobs working all over the city. one was a hookup with disneyland. This same church was well known for sending tons of black kids to college especially black colleges. a relative of mine that went to boise state only got in there because of his affiliation with a college program thru this same church. there have been a good 100 or so kids tha thave gone thru that same program at boise st that have all come from that church.
i will be the firs to admit. when you pay tithes, offerings you should also pay attention to where the money is going. thats on YOU. your church should have business meetings regularly. and they should invite the members. if they do not do this, advise the pastor that this should be done and start quoting scriptures about how the preacher(s) should be above reproach. If your pastor(s) say no to this. GO find another church home, or if push comes to shove. get your church in with you and your family and friends at home. it says as when there is 2 or more present...
all church folks aint evil, money grabbers. and all church folks aint saved and sanctified and do gooders.