I consider my senator Rev Warnock to be an ally, although I think he can do more. Him fighting for black farmers was impressive to me. Im voting for a democrat named Tamara Johnson-Sheleay come midterms, as I feel she’s an ally that looks to improve wealth for black Americans.
Humble yourself. You’re not the smartest in the room like you think you are. Now go on and go on an emotional tantrum about how I’m right winged!!!1
Breh...I'll just say it would take all of 5 minutes to prove that not only does your Senator and Tamara share the exact same political goals as Cortez--certainly as far as closing the wealth gap between African Americans and whites, making corporations pay their fair share anf relieving the financial burdens of largely African American families, holding law enforcement accountable--Cortez may in fact be further to the left of them. At least openly.
Between Warnock and Cortez, there's only one person in the room who has stated explicitly the need to pay reparations to those descended from slaves in America, and it wasn't Warnock. If you love what Warnock was able to sneak into Covid relief funds you'd flip your shyt at what AOC wants for her proposed green new deal.
Cortez is the baddest bytch in Congress right now and one of the biggest and most vocal fighters of racial equality and financial equity to African Americans in Washington. Anyone asserting other wise doesn't get politics and is just talking out their ass about this woman to be provocative.
And I don't play the silly litmus test "cancel" games of thecoli. I understand very well the brother Warnock is representing a red state in the Senate and doesn't have the room to be pigeonheld to reparations and other leftist ideals like AOC can here in my city, unlike most of TLR that just don't get politics at all and eager to bash anyone to the left of Trump. It doesn't make him a "c00n" or "not doing enough" at all. I am proud to have both Warnock and Cortez representing us in Congress and I continue to support liberal candidates of all ethnic backgrounds.
The fact she is so vocal about black issues and economic justice is the reason she's such a frequent target of losers like Carlson. They love to mock real liberals and pro-black lawmakers like her and Elizabeth Warren as delusional phonies that don't realize they're not black. Since having empathy for the justice claims of other people is some foreign concept on Fox News and TLR...."HYON" if you will. Proud of this Puerto Rican BX boricua doin the damn thing all day. Keeping these white conservatives and apparently Coli nikkas pressed.
But let me back off since you think I'm all about trying to prove I'm smarter than anyone. When you call yourself pro-black but somehow find yourself co-signing the biggest white nationalists on TV without critical though I think that speaks for itself. I just wanna chime in, that's all.
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