Proper water fluoridation ONLY has positive effects.
"proper" water fluoridation does not have positive effects if people are getting too much fluoride form other sources. and at current count a minimum of 40 million people are not receiving positive effects from "proper" water fluoridation. so your statement is incorrect.Excessive fluoride intake has ONLY negative effects.

Your thinking makes no sense. If I take a Tylenol, I know how much I took. If someone gives me a drink/food with crushed-up Tylenol in it, I have no idea how much more I just ingested. You're blaming me for taking an adequate dose and not accounting for the person sneaking me additional Tylenol without my knowledge that would exceed what I know I need. That's why your whole argument is hypocritical and fallacious.
public water fluoridation is the aspect we have control over. we ADD fluoride to public water supplies, so it's only logical that would be the easiest practice to reverse.
especially when you take into account our largest fluoride intake is from the water we drink, the most LOGICAL conclusion is that we minimize public water fluoridation instead of trying to control or minimize the fluoride coming from other sources... ESPECIALLY when the average person already gets enough fluoride to protect their teeth from brushing, making the benefits of water fluoridation negligible.
the bottom line is too many people are exposed to too much fluoride... 40 million at the minimum... so wouldnt it make more sense to limit water fluoridation since 1) thats the largest source of fluoride ingestion 2) its the aspect we have the most control over and 3) water fluoridation doesn't seem to come with overwhelming benefits? cmon sun this isnt rocket science...
No, because that is only a very small percentage of the population. For instance, my state only has 14% water fluoridation coverage. Residents of my town can tell those who aren't from here by the condition of their teeth since we've been fluoridated for about 30 years. Cavities are rare/non-existent for us, not for them.
i think it's safe to say that 90%+ of people affected by fluorosis and other diseases associated with excessive fluoride intake are in areas with public water fluoridation.and your personal example is anecdotal, but ultimately insignificant

Were that the case, then we'd have NO issue with dental caries/cavities. That, however, is not the case. Fluoridation is necessary and beneficial to eliminating that as history and thousands of studies have shown. There is no evidence that properly fluoridated water is harmful. The only evidence you have is that excessive fluoride causes fluorosis which is a cosmetic issue in the US and not serious.
anyone brushing their teeth gets more than enough fluoride to protect their teeth.and the fact you think brown stains on the teeth is not a serious issue, especially for one of the best health accomplishments of the 20th century just means you a nasty MF'er

Stop asking the same question over and over when it's been answered. All your 'points' are immaterial and only point to excessive fluoride intake, not proper fluoridation.
you're an embarrassment with your inability to address the key issues.
the federal government lowering fluoride levels as a matter of public policy is a clear indicator that fluoride levels were too high... and the fact you cant admit that further reaffirms your intellectual dishonesty.
public water fluoridation in combination with other fluoride sources has clearly led to "excessive fluoride intake" in your words, for several million americans. so there's nothing to debate.
again, the biology of belief ladies and gentlemen.
and dont you still believe in the infallibility of the bible? nikka your opinion is NOT valid... please play the trust game, and fall back.
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