So Michael Bay made this his TMNT design? :S


Gettin' It In
May 23, 2012
the black nerd on youtube read a description of someone who saw what the toys are going to look like, they said it looked nothing like the fan made headsculpt however that raph fits the description to a tee

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
These are the descriptions from the toy designs

Each turtle has the weapons they should have. (YAY!) 2 swords for Leo, a staff for Don, 2 sais for Raph, a pair of nunchucks and a three sectioned staff for Mikey.
- Each turtle looks LIKE A TURTLE and not all. (BIGGER YAY!) In fact the designs are quite traditional and unremarkable, and feature far less texture than the 80's movie turtles. Eyes are fairly normal and not cartoonishly large. No beak along the nose area like some speculated. Three fingers and two toes.
- The sort of hunched over posture present in the actors in those leaked set pictures is present here.
- Amazingly, each character appeared to have a different physique with some (like Raphael and Leonardo) having super heroey muscle tone (though Raph appears more pumped up than Leo) and Donatello appearing slimmer..leaner. Michelangelo could possibly be slightly shorter than the rest.
- Each turtle's mask matches the color from the cartoons.
- Styles of dress are different as well with Leonardo in a sort of pseudo samurai gear get up including shoulder armor, some leg bits, arm bracer and foot wear up to the calf with bindings showing. He might have some armor (non metal) along his chest as well. Donatello's gear is a mix of techy, modern and a dash of samurai with more normal footwear (for a 2 toed giant turtle), some gadget on his head and gadgetry coming off of his shell. The ends of his mask are far longer than the rest, draping down to his waist. Raphael has adopted an urban warrior look with white, bandage-like wrappings on his feet, right leg, and right arm. He wears this very conan-esque loin cloth..thing..with leather straps draping down as if he were more suited for gladiatorial battle. Michelangelo's outfit seems the simplest with a hoodie wrapped around his waist, pants and sneakers with the toes cut out, wrappings on his hands and forearms, a necklace (could be puka shell beads?) and his mask ends drape down to his chest. He looks frighteningly ready to spit out some modern catch phrases.


May 29, 2012



Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
Shredder's design

This guy looks like he owns stock in the Ronco knife company! Pointy edges coming off of absolutely anything. He'll be the stuff of ridicule for some time. Very overcomplicated outfit.
- Helmet is pseudo-traditional, adopting elements of the classic look (mostly the shape and key elements) with the top coming down over the eyes to the nose. Mouth area is recessed.
- Describing the rest of this armor is a nightmare. Suffice to say, even though he's covered head to toe in metal armor or blades, his arms are still mostly bare. It's a bit comical. He's got the shoulder pieces with the blades coming off them, the shin armor with the blades coming off them, black armor areas to offset the steel parts and a cape that looks metal with blades coming down the side. I'd expect we'll see him whip that around in battle.
- His only weapons (beyond his whole body) seem to be the bladey thingies coming off his forearm armor. The one on his right arm seems incredibly complicated..maybe a spinning blade?

This breh clearly never watched some of the toons, because it sounds exactly like this



Jun 19, 2012
I can't identify with that turtle. :why: I could relate more to my fam's actual turtle than that monstrosity.


May 26, 2012
Word. I'm a fan of the franchise since birth it seems and I know I contributed to part 3 which was awful..and I watched the next mutation, which was awful. I mean to be real, by supporting the 87 cartoon, we all contributed to the downfall of the franchise because that isn't anything close to what it started as in the comics. Mirage did their interpretation and the Turtles became a phenomenon and other people like Mirage will continue to do their own spin on the turtles and everyone has some iteration they love best. Gimme the 03 cartoon or even the current one over the 87 one any day of the week but that's how I feel as a fan. If someone likes the 87 cartoon or the next mutation or ninja turtles 3 then that's great for them. Shyt, I begged my mom to take me to see the Coming Out of Our Shell Tour when I was a kid and she did. I loved it at the time but in retrospect it was awful :russ:. I supported the hell out of it though does that make me less of a turtle fan?


i watched all three of them joints fam. i'm not even gonna try to front like i wasn't beggin mom dukes to let me go with the fellas to see the last one (instead of being the one kid in the movies with his mama).

the current ninja turtles series AND the 03 joint >>>> that nonsense from the 80's. it AMAZES me how creative they've gotten with the characterizations on the new joint; these muhphukkas was doin the kid n' play after blowing up the technodrome!

it's a little kiddy in spots. but it also feels like a show about badass mutant ninjas that grew up in isolation, learning about culture through a television set (and specifically, old school television).

"like a turtle do!" :deadrose:

that said... if you told me there would be TWO ninja turtle cartoons better than the OG version when i was a kid? we'd a been fighting. little me wasn't tryna hear nobody shyttin on rocksteady and bebop, lol.

in order to get the great versions of the characters we love, we gotta be open to someone fukking them up trying to give us THEIR great version. that's why i almost never take exception to the movies changing canon. so long as it makes the film better, it's their version of the story to tell. and when it doesn't work... it's usually because the story-teller sucks. imo.

if it was up to some of the dudes in here, we woulda never got heath ledger's joker. which is only, arguably, one of the 3 greatest versions of the joker ever. regardless of genre.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County

i watched all three of them joints fam. i'm not even gonna try to front like i wasn't beggin mom dukes to let me go with the fellas to see the last one (instead of being the one kid in the movies with his mama).

the current ninja turtles series AND the 03 joint >>>> that nonsense from the 80's. it AMAZES me how creative they've gotten with the characterizations on the new joint; these muhphukkas was doin the kid n' play after blowing up the technodrome!

it's a little kiddy in spots. but it also feels like a show about badass mutant ninjas that grew up in isolation, learning about culture through a television set (and specifically, old school television).

"like a turtle do!" :deadrose:

that said... if you told me there would be TWO ninja turtle cartoons better than the OG version when i was a kid? we'd a been fighting. little me wasn't tryna hear nobody shyttin on rocksteady and bebop, lol.

in order to get the great versions of the characters we love, we gotta be open to someone fukking them up trying to give us THEIR great version. that's why i almost never take exception to the movies changing canon. so long as it makes the film better, it's their version of the story to tell. and when it doesn't work... it's usually because the story-teller sucks. imo.

if it was up to some of the dudes in here, we woulda never got heath ledger's joker. which is only, arguably, one of the 3 greatest versions of the joker ever. regardless of genre.

:myman:. They use break beats on the new cartoon and each character is so fleshed out its crazy. Again, they use break beats and 90s hip hop slang on a show for kids in can I not love it? And the 03 turtles show is incredible. Got every season on my external..that first shredder fight is :whew:...come to think of it, the first shredder fight on the new one is :whew::whew:


May 26, 2012
:myman:. They use break beats on the new cartoon and each character is so fleshed out its crazy. Again, they use break beats and 90s hip hop slang on a show for kids in can I not love it? And the 03 turtles show is incredible. Got every season on my external..that first shredder fight is :whew:...come to think of it, the first shredder fight on the new one is :whew::whew:

exactly. exactly. exactly.

when mikey said "oh snaps it's the po-po!" i was in for as long as this show is on the air.

and it makes perfect sense. surf/dude/stoner culture kinda dominated the 70's and 80's, and had an influence on the creators who made that version of the turtles (bart was also big on surfer slang when the simpsons started). hip-hop dominated the 80's and 90's, and it's influence has replaced surfer slang in this version. too trill.