You've got to be the dumbest poster here by far.
You keep saying that GI:Joe The Rise of Cobra didn't flop and that it did $300M despite it's budget being a whopping $175M discounting marketing costs. If it didn't flop why wasn't the
99% of the main cast from the former retained, why was it
semi-rebooted?, why did it go from "kiddie" and over the top to "gritty" and "dark",
why was the budget slashed from $175M to around $130M, why so many
drastic changes if it was a success?, do you want to know the answer? don't worry i'll give you it,
it flopped. But yes keep saying that it was a success despite the film barely breaking even


You quite clearly don't know films are made, marketed and why others succeed over the others, not even at the most basic level. This statement
"And YES anyone would have seen the movie to "watch robots fighting each other" that's basically what the premise of any action film" says it all, you've nonsensically stated this despite me telling you that Pacific Rim, a movie that
only presented
"robots(mechs) fighting" in it's first 3 trailers and subsequent promotional material until the poor tracking numbers came in as people weren't interested, flopped in almost every market bar about 2. But yes the audience are only going for the action.
You see these movies don't just consist of fanboys, toy collectors or just preadolescent boys, in order to be successful and justify their large budgets, they
need to appeal to a
broad and wide range of people, from adults, elderly, teens, young kids, males, females etc(that's why these movies are almost never above PG-13) to do this, one of the thing you need to present is a
storyline that has a
human element as you know it can't just be for Adrenaline junkies, you need to tell a story. The first Transformers film appealed to young girls through the hinted romance in the trailer along with the presence of young female character in fox , the film appealed to adults through it's blatant homage to E.T. a movie that just about everyone has seen and the story, boys/teen Shia's first car story, interaction with The Transformers, action etc. I bet that you didn't even know that Transformers 2 audience was 46% female. There's a reason why Shia and Fox were thrown into "big" roles post the first film.
"It certainly WAS NOT the story line nor was anyone stacking the movie lines to see the stellar acting of Megan Fox and and some deep relationship between Bumble Bee and whoever else."
Then why did the film have a
20%+ increase in
it's second week
, instead of having a percentage drop like most films do in their second week of release, because that clearly shows that people went back to watch it again. Why wasn't it front loaded?.
It's funny that you brought up
G1, because it links in well with my point about Bay successfully selling the concept. Notice how the live action Transformers barely look like their mega block G1 counterparts and are instead "alien" in design, with overtly humanoid features, to get them to emote, you see how their designs are "grounded" we don't have Megatron turning into a gun and being fired by another deception but instead have the Decepticons as military/enforcement vehicles and presented them as a legitimate threat to the world to the audience, you see how The Transfomers used protoforms to travel, you see how their parts move into place when they transform, how soldiers fought against The Decepticons, how Transformers weren't "kiddie" etc that's how Bay sold the concept.
You see I'm sure if you were in charge you would have had a direct adaptation of the 80's toons with the Transfomers looking as silly as The Hulk did in the 2003 film, with their outdated designs with no human element whatsoever which would have seen it flop hard.
Just take the L.