So Many Questions Vol 1: What da hell is a Hollywood Ritual?

Nov 18, 2016
except this secret has been out for well over generations breh

they just switched the groups around

I'm not denying theirs creeps, murders and pervs in entertainment, because they're in every field.
elite members of society you can see on tv, well known celebrities you can see on tv, etc. raping, eating, tortuing, hunting, and killing children with it all being caught on tape for blackmail in order to covertly gain power is not something that the general public has known for generations breh

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
actually that's not true

Blood libel - Wikipedia

cause this shyt is just a rehashing of old tropes from damn centuries ago

again, I'm not denying there isn't foul shyt that happens in entertainment, but putting this all on that one industry does nothing for no one, when these things happen to a lot of people that aren't in that realm

elite members of society you can see on tv, well known celebrities you can see on tv, etc. raping, eating, tortuing, hunting, and killing children with it all being caught on tape for blackmail in order to covertly gain power is not something that the general public has known for generations breh

cause the story is more entertaining than the reality

look at 9/11
It's almost like the story tellers in this thread explain away their lack of success by calling any successful person a blood-drinking monster :ohhh:
Nov 18, 2016
actually that's not true

Blood libel - Wikipedia

cause this shyt is just a rehashing of old tropes from damn centuries ago

again, I'm not denying there isn't foul shyt that happens in entertainment, but putting this all on that one industry does nothing for no one, when these things happen to a lot of people that aren't in that realm

cause the story is more entertaining than the reality

look at 9/11
you're talking about accusing a group of people of something and I am talking about intelligence groups blackmailing influential figures using children
whatever agree to disagree and move on

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
you're talking about accusing a group of people of something and I am talking about intelligence groups blackmailing influential figures using children
whatever agree to disagree and move on

So if you don't bother entering those societies, and you financially set for life, then what? What else can they do to you to blackmail you if you never engage in their rituals?
Nov 18, 2016
So if you don't bother entering those societies, and you financially set for life, then what? What else can they do to you to blackmail you if you never engage in their rituals?
They try to get some type of dirt on you
See how accusations can destroy a celebrities life?
They find a way
They'll even try to look into your past or put you on surveillance
Or fabricate if they are desperate enough to get you in controversy somehow
How hard they try depends on how much you threaten their interests or how much you help them if they can get you
Nov 18, 2016
Damn. Even without the spiritual shyt that’s creepy enough!!!!

If you want, I can spoiler an excerpt about a black mass from that article I was talking about that talks about these networks
It describes a black mass from one of the X victims of the X Dossiers
It's catches only a small glimpse of how evil the Satanism these people follow
I don't think people understand how extreme their evil religion is
All alleged of course

@Booksnrain I will warn you, this is tough to read and is absolutely brutal

The black mass is described in quotes with alleged spectators. Everything before that is pretext/background info


X3 was a girl in the abuse network from 1950 to 1962. She was an acquaintance of Marie-Noëlle Bouzet, the mother of the murdered Elizabeth Brichet. Anonymously, X3 had already written about her experiences with child abuse and she was well respected for her work with other child abuse victims. After contacting the authorities, she was invited to testify in November 1996. She had 4 long talks about her history of child abuse, but only on December 10, during the 5th interview, her interviewers wrote down the first report. Even after this 5th interview her interviewers were under orders to write down as little as possible, because she mentioned members of the royal family. It is an unwritten rule in Belgium to terminate any investigation in which the royal family becomes a suspect (officially, the king is immune anyway). The summary of her interview of May 26, 1997 (PV 151.688) ends with the peculiar sentence: "Identical interview as 151.829, but she doesn't mention royal personalities." In PV 151.829, dated June 2, 1997 (at least, the summary), she mentioned Prince Charles of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, King Baudouin and "King Albert" (whether she meant Albert I or Albert II is not known).

X3 was severely abused at home from age 3 to age 12, together with her sister. Her father and his friends would play cards, and whoever won that evening could pick one of his daughters and do with her whatever he pleased. The doctor, one of her abusers, would stitch her up if necessary, for example when one of the participants had decided to cut X3's stomach open. When she was 7 or 8 years old one of the participants partially removed her clitoris. After the age of 12 she was introduced to the network. She was placed in a bar and forced to became a prostitute. She also had to find and initiate other children into the network. At this point, she was regularly drugged and taken to parties in different villas, where usually a number of influential people had gathered. At one of these parties she had witnessed how the genitals of a young boy were cut off, how he was killed and ritually buried. Her father or Charly De Pauw (a buddy of Paul Vanden Boeynants) usually brought her. Charly would come by in a pink American car with a white roof. PV 151.829, June 2, 1997: "The car stopped on a parterre before the house. [It] was surrounded by a park. Two supervisors were present: Ralf and Walter. The children were taken to a tower made of natural stone and with a wooden door... an underground [corridor] left from the turret toward the cellars... without light... going downward. In the cellars there were cells where the children were locked up, awaiting their turn. There were also some cells for the dogs (dobermans). The passageway gave way to a room of spectacle. In the tower: dead children's bodies in various stages of decomposition (sometimes dismembered and/or missing body parts) and carcasses of dogs. Spectators: always the same but difficult to identify - about fifty. She recognized the regent Charles, King Baudouin and King Albert, and two others that she calls Charly [De Pauw] and Polo [Paul Vanden Boeynants]. She thinks to have recognized Willy Claes and doctor Vanden Eynde. The dogs listen to Ralf and Walter. The addicted dogs are excited. Spectacles = orgies, putting to death children and dogs. The spectacle room has a strong odor of excrements of dogs. Dogs can roam free in the garden... Gilles (12 years old??) was castrated by Polo. The other children have to drink the blood... Girls are slashed with razor blades. The lips of the vagina of X3 have partially been cut and were given to eat to the dogs... A girl's [large] vulva was cut into slices and fed to the dogs..." More in PV 151.829, June 2, 1997: "A hunt is prepared by Charly and Polo. Present: Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb. This is at another place. Big white house with [at least one additional floor] and stables. The park has a round basin and a fountain coming out of a statue. The children were released naked and when caught, they were raped. The hunt ended with tortures in the spectacle room... Virginity of a girl of 7-9 years taken by a dog. A product that excited [the dog] was placed on the girl's vagina. The other children had to lick the blood... A baby devoured by the dogs... Childbirth by a teenager through a caesarean section. Baby pulled out of the stomach and given to the dogs by Polo [Paul Vanden Boeynants]. She saw the dismembered mother again in the exposition of the dead... She has to eat the human flesh cut from the bodies. She has to eat pieces of children (fingers) served in gelatin. Good taste - slightly sugary. It provoked an enormous sensation of hunger and thirst. Drinking blood relieved the sensation of thirst... She speaks of another murder that she committed on a girl of 3-5 years under the threat that it would be her brother who would be killed. She opened up the girl from the vagina to the breastbone with a knife. She gave the internal organs to the dog. Someone cut off the head. The child was devoured by the dogs... Murder of a young teenage woman who was opened up by Vanden Eynde... The baby shouted in the mother's stomach. She resewed the stomach with the baby inside... She also has to eat from the excrements of dogs... She has to cut off the vulva of a female dog named Rita." More in PV 151.829, June 2, 1997: "Luxurious house with a surrounding wall and gate... non illuminated twisting path. There were some stables. Parterre with flowers. Hall of entry = cream-colored and blue tiles - red carpeting. Walls made of marble with a teenage picture of [later king] Baudouin on it. She spent a whole night with Baudouin - fellatio and sodomy. Presence of maid... In this house there were many servants... She remembers one evening when she had been smeared with cream before being brought to the table on a tray. She had been licked off and raped... At the end of another evening a child... had been castrated. The other children that were present buried the boy in a flowerbed. She remembers a child who had been decapitated, then cut and fried before being eaten. She remembers children who hung on hooks in the kitchen. A certain Solange [a female name] has been enucleated [what exactly?] with a spoon by her and an old lady." In contrast to X1, X2 and Nathalie W., X3 was treated with respect and that seems to have been the reason that she somehow kept her trust in the Neufchateau cell. However, a lot of what she said was never written down and there has never been the slightest investigation into the claims she made.
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Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
They try to get some type of dirt on you
See how accusations can destroy a celebrities life?
They find a way
They'll even try to look into your past or put you on surveillance
Or fabricate if they are desperate enough to get you in controversy somehow
How hard they try depends on how much you threaten their interests or how much you help them if they can get you

You think Denzel Washington a part of this mess?
Nov 18, 2016
You think Denzel Washington a part of this mess?
I hope not
The most likable figures could be compromised
But nothing in terms of how he moves tells me he's been compromised
I've never seen him trying to push their agendas
Plus they're trying to get at him with that Katie Couric bullshyt
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May 2, 2012
okay and abductions or attempted ones have been caught on tape. where are the eyes wide shut recordings?
If they dont want you seeing the shyt, then you wont see it.

Weinstein had an entire island where he threw pedo parties regularly, cameras all over that place, yet we've seen no video and he mysteriously "kills himself".

Where are the Weinstein videos? We know they exist.

Think about it.

Stoop Kid

I think i can
May 2, 2012
ps 118
I used to watch videos on youtube of that dude Isaac Kappy who was in a few movies and made a bunch of claims about Hollywood being evil and all that... And then last year sometime, he said he did something he shouldn’t have and ended up jumping (being pushed?) off a bridge. Makes ya wonder


Knowledge is the Greatest gift
Nov 19, 2016
opus dei
I know this is hard for people to believe, but imo Epstein, Weinstein, and pizzagate are the catalyst that should have everyone questioning whats really going on.

It was widely known that epstein was a child trafficker and was linked to some of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the World he was even gifted a mansion from a billionaire.

weinstein was a known deviant, but people in Hollywood still treated him like a demi-god and on countless occasions thanked him personally for their career, oprah was even a close friend of his.

And pizzagate should have been a smoking gun, if people actually took the time to read the emails they would see, all of the p edo codes being used, like "getting pizza for an hour" "Obama ordered $60,000 worth of pizza and hot dogs" etc.

But Americans and Westerners in general are willfully ignorant and will only take notice when its to late and the noose is firmly around our necks and we only have 1 foot on the block.

This shyt especially the child trafficking and abuse has been going on for a lonnngggg time i can show yall videos from the 80s where children tell their stories but its hard to stomach and the perps where NEVER arrested and still walk free tell this day.
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May 1, 2012
If they dont want you seeing the shyt, then you wont see it.

Weinstein had an entire island where he threw pedo parties regularly, cameras all over that place, yet we've seen no video and he mysteriously "kills himself".

Where are the Weinstein videos? We know they exist.

Think about it.

You got the wrong pedo

Westbama Heartthrob

Irregular Zero
Aug 23, 2019
7th District
If they dont want you seeing the shyt, then you wont see it.

Weinstein had an entire island where he threw pedo parties regularly, cameras all over that place, yet we've seen no video and he mysteriously "kills himself".

Where are the Weinstein videos? We know they exist.

Think about it.

:stopitslime:I think you meant Epstein

:dead:Case in point why you can't take these posts as gospel

People be misspeaking, spreading misinformation both purposely and accidentally

I don't know which is worse

Tommy Lee Jones

All Star
Jan 1, 2015
you gotta sacrifice something if you want to be rich and famous. plenty of talented people but only a few spots/roles. why do you think some people get further than others?