I wish took the same approach towards young Antoine Walker on their Vegas escapades.
It's good in a sense that his pops is concerned enough to take care of his money. It's still kinda embarrassing tho. Lol.
Nothing wrong with his pops taking care of his money so he don't go broke, I get that. Keeping his money from him because he got into a team "fight" on the basketball court? Nah, I ain't with that.
Nothing wrong with his pops taking care of his money so he don't go broke, I get that. Keeping his money from him because he got into a team "fight" on the basketball court? Nah, I ain't with that.
Mychal Thompson is a groupies nightmare.
didn't Turtle get $200 a week? or was per month? lol
$300 a week is plenty of money for him. The Team basically pays for everything minus his living expenses. I'm sure his outflow for room and board are covered by his dad's business manager.
The $300 per week is strictly for his personal entertainment purposes.
It's emasculating but very prudent and it's one of those things where he will thank his dad later for putting him through that.
And everybody who's giving him sh.t in the locker room will be crying when they are dead broke and he's living off his interest.