So if Trump wins 2024 Election, what you think he's gonna do for us?

Elim Garak

Mar 8, 2015
He's going to close the borders. This will free up Blacks to take on all of those jobs illegal and legal immigrants took from us. Imagine chinese restaurants and landscaping business filled with Black faces.

He's going to send us reparation checks. He already sent out covid checks, so he has a proven record of sending free money.

He's going to drain the swamp. Specifically in the criminal justice area. All of these judges and prosecutors are corrupt for even entertaining these Trump investigations, so they got to go. He'll replace all these people with Trump loyalists. And we already know what Trump has done for some Black rappers so he'll do the same once he packs the courts with MAGA.

That's right brother.


Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
Honest question. Outside of grievance politics is there a chance he can help black folks out under the America first style leadership?

What y'all think?

No being funny actually asking.

You have to understand, his second run is specifically to keep himself out of jail. Because should he be elected the country would be thrown into Constitutional crisis because we've never had a president also be convicted of a felony or jailable offence WHILE IN OFFICE. So the strategy for him is win re-election so all his legal battles are put on hold.

He's already lost the defamation civil suit in NYC which is gonna hit him for 80+ milly and he lost his case against the NYC DA so he he's been barred from doing business in the state of NY and has to liquidate assets in NYC.

This is all before his documents case in Florida which is a federal case and we could see a situation in which the President pardons himself. (Because there's nothing in writing that says he CAN'T). This puts all sorts of crazy pressure on a highly conservative Supreme Court (three of which HE put there), a completely 50/50 spit legislature, and a third of the country that would be totally fine with him being installed as a pseduo-dictator. Policy is NOT the issue here.

This isn't the same ole "what will Dems/Repubs do for black people" kinda situation. We are talking about a mass stress test of the entire idea of how our Executive branch works and will work for the foreseeable future.

So don't be fooled. This man isn't concerned with the border wall, or China, or MAGA or anything that has any tangable effect on the country. He is entirely self-interested and running again to (potentially) keep himself out of prison.

Marc Spector

the 4'11 Cuban
Aug 7, 2014
The Milky Way
4. he will absolutely make things worse in the Middle East by full throat supporting Israel. During his first term as president, he was notably glazing Netanyahu and Israel as evangelicals were a huge part of his voting base. I can’t imagine that stance will change if elected president again. It also benefits him that Saudi Arabia has eased their stance on Israel as well and is actively trying to stay out of the current Israel Palestine conflict so they can continue greenwashing.

5. he will continue with tax breaks on the rich. Which won’t help shyt.


Dec 5, 2017
Nothing, which is why I'm not voting for him either.

Entertaining fukkery aside, he's not for black folks either. He wants more immunity for cops if you needed anymore convincing. He might address the issues with immigration, but that could be seen as a riding tides deal.

Writing in Benjamin Lafayette Sisko and Elim Garak for President and VP again this year.


Jun 12, 2014
1. Close and secure the border
2. Repatriation for every single illegal Biden let in this country.
3. Cut funding to all foreign nations.
4. Pull us out of every war that is currently being waged.
5. Bring manufacturing back to America and put Americans back to work.
6. Legislation that favors American workers over foreign workers. Americans First!

I want this^^^^

If you expecting reparations, sol can't help you with that :yeshrug:

1- why didn't Trump close and secure the border during his administration, 2016-2020
Border crossing rose under trump as well

2- Obama and Biden deported more illegals than Trump did, He left plenty of them in the country before leaving office

Under Trump, from fiscal year 2017 to fiscal year 2020 the Department of Homeland Security recorded 2 million deportations, a combination of all three metrics. (Fiscal year 2017 included about four months of the Obama administration.)
During Obama’s first term, fiscal year 2009 to fiscal year 2012, there were 3.2 million deportations (removals and returns). Fiscal year 2009 included about four months of the second George W. Bush administration. During Obama’s second term, covering fiscal years 2013 through 2016, there were 2.1 million deportations

3- Trump didn't cut funding to all nations and there's no indication He will do it if He's re elected. The operative word here is all not some (He will probably cut it for Ukraine but He ain't cutting shyt for Israel for example)

4- which wars did trump pull the US out of. Biden is actually the one to pull out of a long standing war (Afghanistan) to major backlash and opposition

5 Trump reneged on his promise to bring manufacturing and coal jobs back in 2016, why would it be any different this time around. Those poor folks in rural midwest towns are still waiting for the jobs Trump promised them to return:mjlol:

6 Which legislation did He sign into law during his first term that prioritized American workers. Even his red hat and mugs were all made in China:mjlol:


May 1, 2012
1. Close and secure the border
2. Repatriation for every single illegal Biden let in this country.
3. Cut funding to all foreign nations.
4. Pull us out of every war that is currently being waged.
5. Bring manufacturing back to America and put Americans back to work.
6. Legislation that favors American workers over foreign workers. Americans First!

I want this^^^^

If you expecting reparations, sol can't help you with that :yeshrug:

Biden has already started bringing back manufacturing jobs with the inflation reduction act. Tons of clean energy and chip manufacturing is coming to the US.

Infact with a Trump election win that could stop or reverse due to the fact Republicans have loudly been saying that they don't like the deficit spending Biden has done to improve the economy. And Republicans would likely cancel many of the incentives that have led manufacturing jobs to returning to the US.

Just a a week ago, Biden had to veto a made in America manufacturing deal for ev charges that Republicans wanted to waiver so that states could buy ev charges from manufacturing outside of the US. But Biden vetoed so those ev chargers HAVE to be made in the US which means more manufacturing jobs.