so I lied again and told someone I'm married


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
That's what I figured which is bad to think right? Not so much that it isn't true, because there are predators out there and I need to protect myself, but is there really no alternative method to shutting people down? I hate to even call it that. I'm not ready to date yet so anyone who finds interest in me freaks me out so if it's someone I don't know I'll lie, if it's someone I do know I'll play it off and pretend like I don't know what's happening until they pretend as well.

You should work on being direct and saying you're not interested, men will interpret any nervousness as a gateway, "maybe she's playing hard to get" and be more persistent about extracting whatever they can from you, a simple, "sorry, I'm not interested" may seem rude to you, but if you don't make it VERY CLEAR that you aren't interested up front, a dude will convince himself that he still has a chance.

Stop the problem before it starts.


Nov 5, 2015
You should work on being direct and saying you're not interested, men will interpret any nervousness as a gateway, "maybe she's playing hard to get" and be more persistent about extracting whatever they can from you, a simple, "sorry, I'm not interested" may seem rude to you, but if you don't make it VERY CLEAR that you aren't interested up front, a dude will convince himself that he still has a chance.

Stop the problem before it starts.



Richest Broke Ni99a You'll Never Meet
Nov 27, 2015
Politely saying no is waiting until they are finished and declining. You are no owed more than that. That is respectful. Not catching an attutide or cutting them off to say no. It's not rude to say no. You aren't owed a why, when, where or how. It could have nothing to do with the person asking. It's not their business and you don't have to explain. I agree if they are respectful they should be acknowlegded and should get an answer but once they have it. That is all.
It is rude to just say no and send someone on their way. No is a one word answer. You either come off as illiterate or down right dismissive. People with social skills and humility don't do that. But let's look at this realistically no guy in his right mind is just going to walk up to you and try to ask you for your number with his initial statement. Very seldom will a man not introduce himself or ask you how your days is going. If your first response to him introducing yourself or asking you how your day is or just trying to make small talk is "no thank you" and you do this multiple times to multiple people, you will come across as very arrogant conceded and disrespectful. Not only because you don't feel obligated to treating other people with a set level of respect but also because you figure every MALE who starts a conversation with you is only looking to go on a date. Let's keep in mind I'm talking about men and women coming up to her in general. It's absolutely rude to dismiss a person when their opening line is hey how you doing and then you say "not interested." There are women who do that but they don't realize they come across one of three ways scared, socially inept or just down right arrogant. It's people skills 101 if you're not willing to devote a couple of minutes of light hearted talk to someone who approaches you out in a public place then you really just aren't a people person and that's going to show even if you know the dude is flirting or whatever else make it known you're not interested but don't be rude and dismissive with one word answers because at that point you're treating him likes child as one word answers without being given exchanging the proper line of mutual communication is how you treat people who are not on your level, children and it is VERY disrespectful.


Staff member
Sep 9, 2013
It is rude to just say no and send someone on their way. No is a one word answer. You either come off as illiterate or down right dismissive. People with social skills and humility don't do that. But let's look at this realistically no guy in his right mind is just going to walk up to you and try to ask you for your number with his initial statement. Very seldom will a man not introduce himself or ask you how your days is going. If your first response to him introducing yourself or asking you how your day is or just trying to make small talk is "no thank you" and you do this multiple times to multiple people, you will come across as very arrogant conceded and disrespectful. Not only because you don't feel obligated to treating other people with a set level of respect but also because you figure every MALE who starts a conversation with you is only looking to go on a date. Let's keep in mind I'm talking about men and women coming up to her in general. It's absolutely rude to dismiss a person when their opening line is hey how you doing and then you say "not interested." There are women who do that but they don't realize they come across one of three ways scared, socially inept or just down right arrogant. It's people skills 101 if you're not willing to devote a couple of minutes of light hearted talk to someone who approaches you out in a public place then you really just aren't a people person and that's going to show even if you know the dude is flirting or whatever else make it known you're not interested but don't be rude and dismissive with one word answers because at that point you're treating him likes child as one word answers without being given exchanging the proper line of mutual communication is how you treat people who are not on your level, children and it is VERY disrespectful.

You are pulling things into the conversation that weren't said and ignoring things that were said. Why bring up politely anything thing go on a tangent about things the aren't polite? And even then, you aren't own explaination they can do that.
It doesn't matter how you come off people have their own perceptions. Like you seeming mad just at the word no. Saying no doesn't = rude. You don't owe anyone conversation or anything. You can't force someone to talk to you or hold a conversation they don't want to have. They don't have to listen to your whole rundown. Again, they could have many reason's for not wanting of being able to. You never know what a person is going through. It is also social skills to leave people alone if they have made it clear they don't want a conversation. Social skills to be mindful period. A lot of people are so focused on themselves and what they are trying to do they don't even pick up clear signs that person didn't want to be bothered in the first place. Being realistic most random small talk doesn't start with introduction or how was your day. Strangers don't do that. People just start talking to you and then sometimes rarely names are exchanged towards the end. Most guys trying to talk to you can start with introduction but it rarely does. They do small talk or ask questions and go from there. 9 times out of 10 in a casual setting if a guy is starting out telling you their name they are trying to get at you.

Last time, if you listen to a guy and after he says everything he has to say and you politely say no you owe him no futher explaintion. Going by what you say she will be there all day waiting for an in to turn him down so she doesn't "look bad". It could never come because then dudes complain about why she talked to him that long if she wasn't interested. Its a lose lose. You cut it off you rude arrogant, you try to be nice you are leading him on.


Richest Broke Ni99a You'll Never Meet
Nov 27, 2015
You are pulling things into the conversation that weren't said and ignoring things that were said. Why bring up politely anything thing go on a tangent about things the aren't polite? And even then, you aren't own explaination they can do that.
It doesn't matter how you come off people have their own perceptions. Like you seeming mad just at the word no. Saying no doesn't = rude. You don't owe anyone conversation or anything. You can't force someone to talk to you or hold a conversation they don't want to have. They don't have to listen to your whole rundown. Again, they could have many reason's for not wanting of being able to. You never know what a person is going through. It is also social skills to leave people alone if they have made it clear they don't want a conversation. Social skills to be mindful period. A lot of people are so focused on themselves and what they are trying to do they don't even pick up clear signs that person didn't want to be bothered in the first place. Being realistic most random small talk doesn't start with introduction or how was your day. Strangers don't do that. People just start talking to you and then sometimes rarely names are exchanged towards the end. Most guys trying to talk to you can start with introduction but it rarely does. They do small talk or ask questions and go from there. 9 times out of 10 in a casual setting if a guy is starting out telling you their name they are trying to get at you.

Last time, if you listen to a guy and after he says everything he has to say and you politely say no you owe him no futher explaintion. Going by what you say she will be there all day waiting for an in to turn him down so she doesn't "look bad". It could never come because then dudes complain about why she talked to him that long if she wasn't interested. Its a lose lose. You cut it off you rude arrogant, you try to be nice you are leading him on.
I have adressed everything you have said you never gave any kind of reasoning as to why it's acceptable to just blow someone off as if what they have to say doesn't matter. I told you exactly why it does matter. Perceptions absolutely matter. How people perceive you is a reflection of how you act and treat people. You can only controll so much of course but you can still do your best to be kind curious and respectful. I've said it before and I will say it again. When you give someone one word or one phrase answers such as "no" "no thank you "not interested" in response to someone asking you "hey, how are you" "how was your day" you come across as VERY rude and EXTREMELY socially inept. You give off the impression that you assume every MALE who comes in contact with you just wants to date you which leads me back to my point. This issue is not as simple as man on women it doesn't have to pertain to dating specifically it's about being able to interact with PEOPLE. But the fact that you base everything you type about this situation in the realm of men approaching women for dates only shows your bias. Which explains a lot. You say people chatting with each other don't ask you how was your day or how you're doing? How many people have you had conversations with while standing in a line, how many of them have not said hey how are you doing or at least try to introduce themselves. And all this shyt you're saying about men introducing themselves is trying to get at you PROVES you're biased about this whole topic. You think it should be acceptable for a woman to just blow a man off in his initial interaction with her, is it legally acceptable, yes? Is it socially acceptable, respectful? Not at all. There's obviously nothing wrong with turning down someone but if you can't do it in a classy way that leaves the other person with some type of dignity as opposed to treating him like a child giving him one word answers and brushing the person off as if they're less than you then I'm sorry if it bothers you but people are absolutely going to judge you for not being socially inept enough to show politeness. Again there is nothing polite about saying "no thank you" in response to "hey how was your day." You can't justify that or try to bulk it as being polite without making zero sense. It's called knowing how to talk to people keep making bad impressions fine but that shyt comes back to bite people in the butt. It's called the network you build. Suppose the guy you shunned for even having the nerve to ask you how your day went turned out to be the guy conducting your job interview, what would he think of your social skills and your ability to work with people after recalling you display how you handle certain social situations?

Again, no one is trying to "get at you just for saying hi how you doing or introducing yourselves." Even if they are you owe them a certain level of courtesy as human beings to look them in the eye like an ADULT and respectfully decline in mutual ground, and not with one word answers like "no" as if you're socially inept, think you're to good, or absolutely scared. There's nothing wrong with making small talk there's nothing wrong with adding shyt into the truth but it's crazy in 2016 we have people trying to justify rudeness.