So I launched a Kickstarter project...


All Star
Jul 17, 2012
You disrespecting yourself if you think no ones heard of kickstarter in 2013. Guess what the most pledged projects are? Technology and innovative projects

Your tshirt line is neither innovative nor unique. People like you are actually ruining what kick starters supposed to be about.

Like I said, you are totally wrong. I mean, wrong as in not based on fact. You prefer to argue with me on here than go to Kickstarter and type in t-shirts. There are thousands of fully funded lines of just simple tees. Not everyone out here is looking for 10 million dollars, or trying to change the world. Just a simple t-shirt line. I am actually all about what Kickstarter is about.


All Star
Jul 17, 2012
You disrespecting yourself if you think no ones heard of kickstarter in 2013. Guess what the most pledged projects are? Technology and innovative projects

Your tshirt line is neither innovative nor unique. People like you are actually ruining what kick starters supposed to be about.

Just one simple example. Things don't have to be extremely outlandish, some people prefer to back simple, small projects. There is room for everyone.

CEO: Intriguingly Meaningless T-Shirts. Want to be CEO? by Chris — Kickstarter

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
To be completely honest, I do not understand your argument at all. First of all, the t-shirt line is not my 9-5 - the opportunity to raise money is not anywhere as easy as you think it is, regardless of your personal experience - I am actually living the life of someone who hasn't gotten a paycheck since 2009, so I know how to generate some income lol.

Secondly, you seem to be pissed that I asked people to support my Kickstarter, and you think its a scam because they take 2 - 4 percent. Thats rediculous, and I am blessed enough for you to like the design of my shirts, real talk, everybodies opinion matters, but I do not think you are understanding the point of a Kickstarter. It is not to sell shirts. It is to get a boatload of money at the same time in order to produce something in mass. Not to sell 1 shirt. If I wanted to sell 1 shirt, I wouldve asked you to go to my website. If you paid attention, you would see that you actually get more buying from me on Kickstarter than buying a shirt on the website :blessed:

Why? Because having 500 people buy at the same time lessens the cost. What do you not understand about that. The user still gets to pick thier size, color, design, etc. They get everything and more, but are also supporting a company, not just buying the merchandise. Nobody uses Kickstarter to as an online store.

Lastly, you posted a link about Kickstarter being a scam to derail my posting. Kinda like a hating move, especially since the link you posted was to THE ONION. A PARODY WEBSITE. Here is the newest story. Its about the new Iphone coming with pre-shattered screens for teenage girls.

New iPhone Geared Towards College-Aged Girls Comes With Pre-Shattered Screen - YouTube

Cmon bro.
Okay, normally I don't do this because I'm really busy but I'm taking time off my day to stay in bed a bit longer. I had a fun/rough night.

First of all, money for good ideas is extremely easy to come by. Like I mentioned earlier, if you have a solid business worth investing in people will invest. Even if it's a bad investment there are plenty of idiots with money so all you really need is a solid pitch (which you currently lack). Also if you "know how to generate income" $2k wouldn't be so hard to come by. Your attitude shows me that you have no clue what you're talking about. The opportunity to raise money is as simple as asking the right people for it. The right people are all around you. Hell, like I mentioned earlier, this forum has plenty of people who have money to bankroll a good idea.

Also, if your idea is worth a damn you should look into the 7(a) loan program that I recommended to you earlier. That money is only a few pieces of paperwork away from being yours. That's an easy $10k-$5million right there.

Also, I see you scaled back the number from 9% to 4%. Either way, both rates are too much, especially when you start dealing with real money. I commend the Kickstarter guys for coming up with a creative business model but I lament anyone dumb enough to give them all that money for something that can be done with a Facebook page, a telephone, and a little hard work. Or you could, you know, actually sell some t-shirts.

You're in the business of selling shirts, so sell fvcking shirts. This Kickstarter project is a sh!tty way of doing that. People keep telling you that they want to buy a few of the designs you're selling but all you can do is point them to this bullsh!t scam project you're trying to pull. Not only are you losing sales but you're frustrating potential customers with your blatant panhandling.

Lastly, as an artist you should be aware that parody is a great way of messaging hard truths. The hard truth about Kickstarter and most projects on it is that they're crap. As for the video you posted isn't it the case that many college-aged girls have shattered iPhone screens? I mean, yeah, the video is funny but there's truth in the message, bro.


SOHH 2001
May 8, 2012
Back in MIA
Okay, normally I don't do this because I'm really busy but I'm taking time off my day to stay in bed a bit longer. I had a fun/rough night.

First of all, money for good ideas is extremely easy to come by. Like I mentioned earlier, if you have a solid business worth investing in people will invest. Even if it's a bad investment there are plenty of idiots with money so all you really need is a solid pitch (which you currently lack). Also if you "know how to generate income" $2k wouldn't be so hard to come by. Your attitude shows me that you have no clue what you're talking about. The opportunity to raise money is as simple as asking the right people for it. The right people are all around you. Hell, like I mentioned earlier, this forum has plenty of people who have money to bankroll a good idea.

Also, if your idea is worth a damn you should look into the 7(a) loan program that I recommended to you earlier. That money is only a few pieces of paperwork away from being yours. That's an easy $10k-$5million right there.

Also, I see you scaled back the number from 9% to 4%. Either way, both rates are too much, especially when you start dealing with real money. I commend the Kickstarter guys for coming up with a creative business model but I lament anyone dumb enough to give them all that money for something that can be done with a Facebook page, a telephone, and a little hard work. Or you could, you know, actually sell some t-shirts.

You're in the business of selling shirts, so sell fvcking shirts. This Kickstarter project is a sh!tty way of doing that. People keep telling you that they want to buy a few of the designs you're selling but all you can do is point them to this bullsh!t scam project you're trying to pull. Not only are you losing sales but you're frustrating potential customers with your blatant panhandling.

Lastly, as an artist you should be aware that parody is a great way of messaging hard truths. The hard truth about Kickstarter and most projects on it is that they're crap. As for the video you posted isn't it the case that many college-aged girls have shattered iPhone screens? I mean, yeah, the video is funny but there's truth in the message, bro.


Kickstarter is a great way to drum up support for something. To get people involved. It provides a platform to engage your blah blah blah who gives a fukk am I right? Anyone who listens to that nikka above is crazy.

The simple fact is that there are millions of Facebook pages pushing tshirts. 99.99999999999% of which get no shine. The biggest names in tech, film, and video games are using Kickstarter to get people involved, generate buzz, and fund their projects.

Why make shyt harder on yourself? :leostare:
May 1, 2012
looks like clipart. no hate.


Jan 10, 2013
You don't need Kickstarter to raise capital for a venture that's worth investing in. I mean, maybe if you don't know anybody with money, but with the internet that's pretty easy to find. Hell, when I announced MOLLYWATR my inbox on this forum filled up with people wanting to talk. Those conversations turned into people wanting to chip in $2k here and $5k there in exchange for equity (all of whom were turned down, by the way.)

When I announced my idea on Facebook it was the same story. Old college buddies were lining up to invest. I chose one to get the start up money but that's it. Now, I have to routinely turn down money for my venture and all I do is talk to people about it.

If you have an idea worth investing in people will want to invest in it on their own. Hell, people will want to STEAL your idea with money. As it stands, you have hot shyt that I want to buy, but I can't because it's not in your store. And no, I don't want to go through a convoluted scheme to make sure I get it. I just want to go to your store, see the damn shirt with the painted up girl, and I'll buy it. You don't need to give Kickstarter 10% of the sale of the shirt to get my business.

You're looking for $2k? Well, ask around... someone has $2k burning a hole in their pocket. You just need to have something worth investing $2k into... or at least a pitch worth $2k.

Kickstarter is making BANK off of clueless creatives that don't want to work to build a network. Pound the phones, buddy. Get your talk on. Learn how to sell. You'll save yourself money and people will take you more seriously.

Also, look into getting a 7(a) loan:

7(a) Loan Program |

Internet Scam Alert: Most "Kickstarter" Projects Just Useless Crap - YouTube

you aware that video is from the onion, fam? My bro used kickstarter to fund his graphic novel and he did very well. And he used the inner network of people he already had made in the industry who also promoted his kickstart. It works for some people.


Legendary Poster
May 1, 2012
Some of you nikkas in here throwing shade are hilarious :heh:

nikka said his shyt look like clip-art :bryan:


May 18, 2012
:ehh: Congratulations, Looks like you got funded

So the extra you made from the kiskstarter going towards free gear for the-coli right :shaq: